the thread about nothing...

Was hot af here in SD in the morning. Biked to the gym around 1 all nice and sunny. Come out to torrential downpour :smh:

El Nino be real yo.

Came in here to say this, we started grillin' by the pool around 1 with a partly cloudy sky at most, fast forward 2 or 3 hours and it starts pouring :smh:

Rain while its about 80 degrees and muggy outside is :x
One of my favorite episodes
When somebody reps you and it's only worth one point


greedy for the reps :lol:

before the adjustement, some people's reps were worth 10, that was the time people went crazy for reps :lol:

Different users have different rep values?! 

Aware me on this, bretheren.

the more reps you have, the more your reps are "worth".

If somebody has 3k reps and reps one of your post, it will bump your reps by a few points (maybe 5-6, not too sure).

if somebody has low ammount of reps, when he reps someone, it's only worth +1.

before the adjustement, people would give out reps and it could give you a +10 or something, Meth had it adjusted now it's a lower ammount all over the board.

i used to keep a chart before the adjustement to know how much reps was given out by certain people. Then the adjustement came and i gave up, it was already hard enough to figure out :lol:
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That sun got to me today came home from fishing and passed out for 5 hours prolly be up for a good majority of tonight now

Caught a nice little tan to needed that
Last week my dad left his car open and somebody stole his sunglasses and briefcase (I've been trying to open this for years
) when we were sleeping

He told me a couple of days ago he saw a girl hiding by our shed

Yesterday he saw two teenagers walking down our street, one of them had on the shades. Dude took them off and put them in his hand when he reached in front of our house

Update from when i posted a week or 2 ago, im down almost 10 pounds, doing 2 hours a ay of cardio , sleeping before 2 every night (used to be around 4 or 5 ) and eating super healthy. Stopped watching porn and fapping 2 weeks ago too, dont miss it at all, feel more level headed.  I am still pretty sad about my ex adn all that happend, think about it alot, but alot less than i did before. Hope i can keep this up for a long time, i let myself fall in a black hole for so many years, time to rebuild myself from the bottom. 
Keep it up my dude! Like my sig says, mind over matter. You can do anything you want with the right mindset. :pimp:
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