the thread about nothing...

4 teeth n starting to walk :wow:

never been so proud, fam

congrats famb

I just want to apologize to everyone that has a lost a dog. In my younger days I used to clown people who cried after their pet has passed away. Our family dog was put to sleep today. The dog was simply going downhill over the last 4-5 months. I said a prayer in my car before work today. My mom text me that she was taking the dog to the vet mid day today to put her to sleep. Once I read that text I had watery eyes and a lump in my throat the rest of the day at work. My mom asked me if I wanted to stop by the vet to see her one last time on my lunch break. I couldn't and make it back to work. She text me when it was over. I am at peace knowing she is no longer suffering. I went over my mom's house after to work to check on her. My mom described her last few moments before she took her to the vet. Stated the dog even walked up the steps and back in to the house for the first time today literally hours before she was put to sleep. I told my mom that was her signing off and letting us know she could do it. We have been trying to get her to walk up the steps and in the house for years. I held on put as soon as I soon her dog dish and left my mom house and cried my eyes out on the way back home. I will never clown someone again over losing a pet. This is tough.

right in the feels. Anyone who has had to be the one to put their dog down knows that stays with you forever

As far as new girl wants pizza. Some classic NY pizza. Googling pizza places in NY gives you literally thousands of options....
She is an art major so we are going to check out the Museum of Modern art on sunday before we leave. Was also thinking about getting tickets to see Aladin (the play) at the new amsterdam theater but tickets are so expensive. Looks like $150+ per so i might pass on that
@Jking0821  as far as shows go, download the app today tix, you get tix at a lower than normal price, not sure what Aladdin tix will be during your stay, but it's worth a shot. As far as Pizza goes, I'm personally not particular about it, but find a place around there that isn't $1 pizza 
, although the $1 pizza spots aren't bad. 
I watched I Spit On Your Grave a few months back and :wow: :x !!! Watched it some again last night and saw it was remake. Anyone seen the OG? Was it as brutal?
I don't have exams Thursday or Friday and we have off Monday. 
It's not like I'm choosing not to go lol. 

you should, like, still go tho.
like for the teachers and what not.
like the attractive ones.
likes the ones you would take a selfie with.
and then like, blur yourself out and post on a message board.
like in a thread on that board that was about everything and nothing at the same time.
like whoa.
you should, like, still go tho.
like for the teachers and what not.
like the attractive ones.
likes the ones you would take a selfie with.
and then like, blur yourself out and post on a message board.
like in a thread on that board that was about everything and nothing at the same time.
like whoa.
I watched I Spit On Your Grave a few months back and :wow: :x !!! Watched it some again last night and saw it was remake. Anyone seen the OG? Was it as brutal?

Watched this movie with a girl and smashed before it was over, she said the rape scene made her horny when I asked her about it later.

Just reminded me and I am now reliving it in my head.

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