the thread about nothing...

About to head to class and start yet another semester. 5th yr in, tired of this ****
It'll be over before you know it bro. Keep at it.

My rant:
I'm 2 weeks away from graduating college (walked in summer, finishing in summer school now) and these two classes are some of the hardest classes I've had to take (Corporate Finance and Supply Chain MGT). To take them both at once in a 6 week time period is brutal. Worried I might not pass SCM :smh: Been studying my *** off but no matter what I don't do good on the tests. Its more of the teacher than the material itself.

Teachers test example

Question 1.
What is.....

A) blah blah blah
B) Blah blah blah
C) Blah blah blah
D) A and C
E) All of the Above
F) None of the Above

**** makes me confused and makes me second guess myself. It can be A, B, or C individually or any of the other options smh.

I've never failed a class and right now I have a 73 %. Need 73 or better on this final to pass class. (C- is failing) 2.5k down the drain if I don't pass :smh:
i hate sharing the road. 
i dont understand why bike riders cant use the sidewalk
cyclists are the biggest trolls. These old white guys think they're practicing for the tour de rush hour:smh:
so true.

but thesse youngns on the fixies are worse. i see some on road going really fast with out a helmet or anything and then they make left turns on the road like they are  a car. 

I'll use a sidewalk if absolutely necessary, but the sidewalks where I'm at are shoddy as **** and it's a lot smoother to ride in the road. As far as the left turn thing is concerned, if that's the route they have to take, then what's the problem? Cyclists do have to take on the role of a car in certain ways when on the road. The no helmet thing is pretty dangerous, I don't have one, but I've got a big head and haven't found a suitable size yet.

It's actually illegal to bike with headphones on around here, but these cops don't give a damn about that ****. I've ridden past plenty of policemen with my headphones on and they barely even look at me. I'm sure a lot of that has to deal with the fact that I have my dreads down a lot, and they cover up my ears, but even riding at night with no lights on my bike (which is also illegal) will not garner the attention of these cops. Cyclists aren't at the top of the priority chain for these guys.
Females piss me off man. My cousin's phone account is joined with man because she doesn't have a credit card so I cosigned her when she was getting a phone cause it was cheaper. She normally pays $45 per month but for the past two months, she has been chilling in another city with her friends so she added a roaming service. Her bill naturally increased to $55 which she sent me last month but for next month's bill she decided to send me $45 even though she still has the roaming service. So she just expects me to pay the extra $10 for her? I don't want to message her just for $10 but little things like this piss me off.

:lol:....not to belittle your situation, but I thought this was going somewhere
lol I wont.... I gotta bring 3 items about how they relate to me... Ill just bring my stoned immaculate cd (music) a shoe (sneakers) and my 360 controller (games)

I was gon bring my NT hat -____________-
 I remember doing that in my speaking class...for someone who doesnt like speaking in front of large groups, I enjoyed that class alot

I brought a CD (Parachutes), shoe laces, and a jar of peanut butter

my most improved football trophy from my senior year of high school, a poster about cats (saw cats on broadway when i was in the fifth grade with my gifted class), and a shoe (low blue and white 9s)
First day over with...I can already tell business calculus and this professor will be a pain in my #@$@

I dont know about you guys but when the thread jumps 10 pages...I go to the current page and make my way backwards :lol:
barry sanders was on sportscenter this morning :pimp:

the league has seen a lot of great players, but I've never seen anybody who could move like this man :x

Vanessa Hudgens. Oh boy.

What she up to now?
did her pics get leaked again
watch the trailer "Frozen Ground" and you'll see
Why they keep saying yeaaaaah
Ion eem know
I got court tomorrow
I ain't eem go

i don't even show
i got ish to do
only God can judge me
who the phuk is you

and I read the RIP sleazyy message like that too....good to know you're still among the living
First day over with...I can already tell business calculus and this professor will be a pain in my #@$@

I dont know about you guys but when the thread jumps 10 pages...I go to the current page and make my way backwards :lol:

business calculus was pretty easy....nothing but derivatives. that and college algebra were the only math classes i took in college, unless you include stats and finance and ish like that
i hate sharing the road. 
i dont understand why bike riders cant use the sidewalk
cyclists are the biggest trolls. These old white guys think they're practicing for the tour de rush hour:smh:

so true.

but thesse youngns on the fixies are worse. i see some on road going really fast with out a helmet or anything and then they make left turns on the road like they are  a car. 
I'll use a sidewalk if absolutely necessary, but the sidewalks where I'm at are shoddy as **** and it's a lot smoother to ride in the road. As far as the left turn thing is concerned, if that's the route they have to take, then what's the problem? Cyclists do have to take on the role of a car in certain ways when on the road. The no helmet thing is pretty dangerous, I don't have one, but I've got a big head and haven't found a suitable size yet.

It's actually illegal to bike with headphones on around here, but these cops don't give a damn about that ****. I've ridden past plenty of policemen with my headphones on and they barely even look at me. I'm sure a lot of that has to deal with the fact that I have my dreads down a lot, and they cover up my ears, but even riding at night with no lights on my bike (which is also illegal) will not garner the attention of these cops. Cyclists aren't at the top of the priority chain for these guys.
at the end of the day ur just putting urself in more danger by driving with the cars.
First day over with...I can already tell business calculus and this professor will be a pain in my #@$@

I dont know about you guys but when the thread jumps 10 pages...I go to the current page and make my way backwards :lol:

business calculus was pretty easy....nothing but derivatives. that and college algebra were the only math classes i took in college, unless you include stats and finance and ish like that

My problem is that I took college algebra last now just taking business im rusty and forgot alot of what i learned...smh
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