the thread about nothing...

Shoutout insomnia, you my lite when its dark

Who needs sleep? Been up 3 days straight now longest is about 5 1/2 days and its a recurring thing for me for the last 10 years or so. Family thinks I'm crazy, I netflix, clean house, and grocery shop at 3am shout out NO CHECKOUT LINES! EVER...
I got homies that stay up for days too, but they usually ****n with a ***** named tina...she kool if thats ya get down, we all kno that ***** in my circle [emoji]128129[/emoji]

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Just pulled an all nighter.

Got nothing accomplished but read a few pages of a book.

Think I'm gonna cop a fishing liscense for a few days to chill out .

Been three weeks now since I've smoked weed. Think I'm straight.
was out last night with 5 friends chilling down by locust point in philly, not being loud or obnoxious just you know talking sports and enjoying the summer night. We all get done rolling and 2 of us light up, bout 10 mins into the session 2 bike cops ride past us with the bike lights bright as **** literally right in front of us but they keep it moving ( easily can smell it) half hour goes by they come back from the way they were going this time the one cop coughs as he is passing us
no lie. They don't stop or nothing didn't even look at us once they just continued to keep it moving. 

Its a $25 ticket for anything under an O so i feel like they didn't want to bother with going thru that process of ticketing 5 people. 

no little kids in the area it was us an a few adult joggers who would run by, few ppl playing pokemon go and thats bout it.

S/O to them cops for not breaking balls and letting us go on about our night, if only they were all like that. 

im sure they were talking to each other contemplating on what they should do tho lol
Man where do you live where you have to pay for havin less then an ounce? So if you have a ounce or over your good?
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