the thread about nothing...

My stomach feeling WILD right now. No idea what could've caused this, didn't have anything out of the ordinary yesterday.
My stomach feeling WILD right now. No idea what could've caused this, didn't have anything out of the ordinary yesterday.
But something of the ordinary could have been tainted.

7up, saltine crackers, and chicken soup. (I aint talking oily tinola either

Oh, and bananas.
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Specialists from both the neurology and endocrinology (hormone specialists) department have said they're essentially baffled by my disease because of conflicting symptoms. 

And not some random specialists either, some of the best in the country are assisting my case.

My hormone deficiencies strongly suggest some kind of metabolic disorder but the stretch marks all over my body are typical of connective tissue diseases. They don't really have an explanation yet for all of these symptoms occuring at the same time. 

They're putting me on hormone therapy now to see how my condition responds to it so they can narrow down the list of options again.

Apparently the hydrocortisone to boost my extremely low cortisol is pretty important but my former dosage had too many annoying side effects so they're trying a much lower dosage.

Even got a medical emergency card I need to carry on me at all times

I also need to inject Pregnyl (a hormone that tells the body to produce androgens like testosterone etc) twice a week until my next endocrinology appointment on April 17. The treatment takes a month or 2-3 to really take effect so if my condition improves significantly that'll provide them with key information to determine which disease is causing it.

So hopefully it does have some effect and I can actually start moving around again 
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Maroon 5 :smokin

Code red or something at my school. I saw a fine *** asian shorty evacuating the building beside me n I didn't say anything even though she looked

The alarm went off when I was eating my lunch so I didn't want to talk to her with all that food in my mouth.

Now I regret it

And with that being said....let me go shoot that shot I've been procrastinating on.
Opened a case on eBay for a buyer not paying on time.

I swear people who take the time to offer lowball offers are ridiculous. If you know the value and the market rate of the item, why waste your time? 
Opened a case on eBay for a buyer not paying on time.

I swear people who take the time to offer lowball offers are ridiculous. If you know the value and the market rate of the item, why waste your time? 

Reminds me of when I was selling a brand new PS4 controller for 35 and dude gonna ask me can I take $25 like retail not $60. You already getting a deal fool!!!! :lol:
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