the thread about nothing...


That grand mac released nationwide yet? everytime I crave McD's I end up disappointed, but I want to try this. Darn childhood.
Do u have a popeyes..hardees...or waffle house in belgium
Nope. None of them.

The Netherlands have quite a few big fastfood chains like KFC and Burger King but we don't.
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Most people get their fastfood from small local places here, referred to as a "fritery". For the most part it's kind of like the larger foodchains but better quality. Pretty much every town has one, even the small rural ones like where I live. There's actually at least 4 within a few miles whereas the nearest McDonalds is something like 20 miles away.

Our local fritery only uses high quality beef for example and it tastes so much better than whatever meat they use in McD's.

It's also generally cheaper. No dollar menus here. I don't see much point in paying €3 for a McD's burger when I can get a bigger and better one for €2.5 at our local fritery. I think that's also why big fastfood chains don't want to open here, whereas the Netherlands have many of them.

McD's serves mostly as an alternative for when you want some fastfood on hours/days when friteries are closed.
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