the thread about nothing...

[emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji] But What I'm Saying a Here Is That This Man cobb Was In A Dream The Entire Movie & Mal Woke Up & Went Back to Her Family. Cobb Countinued To Stay In Dream World Living Life Like A Dream Spy
I'm still not convinced Cobb wanted to stay in the dream 
After reading Sigmund Freud's 'The Interpretation of Dreams', that movie took on a whole new level of greatness! My top 5 for sure.
But Shutter Island He Realizes He Was Nutts, & Inception He Thinks He Is The Hero Still Come The End Of The Movie. Used To Watch Both Movies Every Night For A Week [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Had Some Trippy *** Dreams
Doesn't it get tiring capitalizing every word?
Word lol idk how people do it

yeah thats harder then hitting the caps lock

memphis something? i think is dudes name who types in all caps. I remember saying to him back in the day like no offense but i don't read a single thing you post because the all caps has me yelling every word in my head. So everything you type is angry to me so i skip it
yeah thats harder then hitting the caps lock

memphis something? i think is dudes name who types in all caps. I remember saying to him back in the day like no offense but i don't read a single thing you post because the all caps has me yelling every word in my head. So everything you type is angry to me so i skip it
 I know what you mean. When he was talking about installing his surround system in his home, I thought he was pissed.
Thread worthy?? Or no??

To the ladies out there....................What would make a man want you if everything about you is on your Facebook page??

He knows what your bed, your clothes, your under clothes, your body (because some of your clothes are see through) your shoes, your car, your family looks like............there's LITERALLY nothing mysterious about you.............but he's selfish and self centered if all he does on a date is talk about himself. He doesn't NEED to ask about YOU, because you've already told AND showed the world everything he would have asked you himself. And you want to get mad and come on facebook with the "I`m not talking to anyone else from facebook" NO B, FACEBOOK ISNT THE PROBLEM, IT`S THE USER WHO FEELS LIKE EVERY STEP SHE TAKES DURING THE DAY AND EVERY ITEM OF CLOTHING SHE PUTS ON IS FACEBOOK WORTHY.

BUT you want men to show you that you`re worth more than some random chic on the street................HOW?!?!?!?!?! YOU DONT EVEN SHOW THAT YOU`RE WORTH BEING SHOWN THAT YOU`RE WORTH MORE THAN YOU REALLY ARE!

So when guys hit you up just tying to smash, can you REALLY be mad about it? You can't say he doesn't know you well enough.

only thing he needs to know right now is WHAT DAT MOUF DO.

I`m not upset about anything..........But its a thought that i figure folks would agree with.
Well, if the man believes 100% everything that the woman posts on social media and isn't willing to take the time to get to know her personally, then he's already losing. There is always something about someone that they will never share to the public, even though their social media account looks like they post everything in their lives. (I may sound too optimistic with this)

You mentioned the guy is 'selfish' and 'self-centered' how is that a benefit? If anything the woman has standards and expectations of a man and if he acts like that, she shouldn't waste her time on him. But this goes both ways, if his assumptions are true and likes to post everything in life, then he shouldn't waste his time with her. Because if the concluding point is 'what that mouf do' there a good chance that she'll try to put you on blast if you try to play her. How do you think the man would feel about that?

You do have a point, though. If all the attention she is receiving is based on her body and what she wears, then I wouldn't feel sorry for her. She knew what she was doing posting those photos. They were for likes and to gain attention from everyone. 

And you kind of answered your own question about 'what would make a man want you, if everything about you is on social media'. Sex and bragging rights that he smashed. 
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