the thread about nothing...

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I swear I hate drive thru females, mad quick to catch an attitude because you're trying to confirm an order. I could throw you a hundo and send you home for the day.
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New Metallic Red joints [emoji]128293[/emoji]


Oh yeah and i had a feeling this would happen ....
Almost a year to the day of my grandfather passing just found out my grandmother might need a heart transplant. Not sure how I feel about the world right now. :stoneface: |I
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Almost a year to the day of my grandfather passing just found out my grandmother might need a heart transplant. Not sure how I feel about the world right now. :stoneface: |I

Sorry to hear that fam. Going thru a similar deal with my grandmother. They saying she might pass any day now :frown:
10yrs after my grand father passed. Cant even go see her either

**** cancer and **** all these other diseases and illnesses
I'm sorry to hear that.

Sorry to hear that fam. Going thru a similar deal with my grandmother. They saying she might pass any day now :frown:
10yrs after my grand father passed. Cant even go see her either

**** cancer and **** all these other diseases and illnesses

Be strong for them , world only gets worse you need to be better than it. 

Sure they need you, be optimistic 

Thank you guys. And you right I gotta be strong it's just rough watching them go because I was raised by them so it's like watching your parents go. My grandmama a tuff cookie though she survived a heart attack & pancreatic cancer but that's also what worries me. I just thought she would be able to live out her last years peacefully after all that. :smh: ahat ahat Sorry for your situation as well. It's a horrible feeling to be powerless with the health of the ones you love. Just gonna do research on options and possibilities for her.
Thats one of the things that bugs me the most, that they have to endure all that pain and suffering. I know no one lives forever but i hate to see them going thru all that suffering. Seeing what this **** does to people, esp people you love is ****** up. The fact we cant even go there to see her pisses me off too.

Spend as much time as possible with her fam SlunderKingpin SlunderKingpin . InshaAllah all will be good and she will feel better
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Please, y'all wouldn't know what to do with half the girls posted in here



[quote="GRIMEYY, post: 27805827"][URL=][img]

Who's the chick?
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