the thread about nothing...

Sup, been with this stomach bug since Friday [emoji]128567[/emoji]
Rob reminds me so much of the college version of myself. He's so screwed LOL
Asked her how her spring break was and what not and just wanted to say to hi before class. The mistake I
made with the other girl is that I didn't talk to her til the last day of the semester.
Well when you talked to long did the conversation go? When it hit a lull did she try to fill it in and keep it going? Did she step forward to get closer as you talked? Or did she stay a polite distance? Did she ask you any questions, or was the conversation just her answering your questions. Was her body oriented towards you as you talked or was it already somewhat half turned, as if to get back to what she was doing?

Also since you talked, since then, whenever you walk into the class does she at least try to catch your eye and wave hello? If not, that's a really bad sign lol
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be straight with her or you'll end up in the friend zone.

no point in dancing around the subject
Yes I'm like McLovin and I get socially awkward around the girl I like.

I'm exactly like you, I'm just just older and can't afford to be shy anymore. I wish I knew what I knew in my early 20s

I am not a player, and I'm not smooth like that to where after seeing a girl, in a few minutes I'm flirting heavy. I'm shy and introverted so I can NEVER go that route.

What I do is I go the sneaky friendly route. Just go up talking to different girls and get them comfortable, and get myself comfortable as well, and I'll do it for one or two interactions and then by the third interaction I just ask them out. I've learned very quickly that if you wait too long, you will just get friend zoned.

You do this enough and you'll quickly know who's interested or who's not from initial interactions. The girls who all end up saying yes always have the same patterns.
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