the thread about nothing...

Yall have any weird dreams lately?

Had one last night, **** was weird af.

I was in the olympics for swimming, im not a strong swimmer at all. That wasnt even the weird part...

It was mixed, men and women competing in the same event. It was like a free for all, you could swim however you want (backstroke, butterfly etc). Weirdest part of all to me was i was on the Russian squad... Im not even Russian.

I won the silver doe
The weirdest dream I had was that my sister and I were walking the dog. In the dream, I was in a wheelchair, and my sister was blind. I trip, the wheelchair falls over and I let go of the leash. The dog sprints away and I'm yelling at my sister to go after the dog. Only she can't chase after the dog, cuz she's blind. The dog gets away.

It was weird. IRL we're both perfectly healthy. My sister walks the dog all the dog all the time. I never go on those walks. And the dog would never run away. He sticks to my sister like glue. Lol
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I had a dream where i had to clean a bunch of concrete out of arnold shwartzennegers garage.

I had to put it in a wheelbarrel and transport it to this spot to bury it.

He had a small house in a nice little neighborhood
Reps if you can tell me what movie this is 

 What about Saturday?
 I'm busy.
 I'm busy.
How about Sunday?
 I'm busy.
 How about any night in 1987?
 I'm busy.
 [ yells out] How about yesterday? You busy yesterday
  I think so, but you can ask me out again.
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