the thread about nothing...

Think about it in terms of Jordan Brand: $190+Mass Quantity=Profit $190-Mass Quantity=Loss

To the people that are actually happy about Jordan Brand limiting stock they're not going to lower the price. So basically you're going to be paying the same price with the shoes being limited. Let that sink in.
See saw effect?
I remember when I was a kid there used to be mad snow at my birthday in December.

Now we barely get anything before xmas

I like it this way though :nerd:

Semi-finals. Dudes were playing hella dirty. They took out our forward. Clipped him in his ankle within the first 5 minutes and he couldn't play anymore.
We scored and then they scored and then I SCORED. lol no subs on either end.
Then 3 minutes left of the game. We scored another one. We won 3-1.
Clippers holding open tryouts this week, I'll send y'all some tickets.
I'm basically a noob with online shopping. Why do some sellers simply offer a product but use another name for the brand? I'm debating on buying this lossless media player and there's some fake brand selling something like 15-20% cheaper but almost identical. You look at the description and specs for both items and they're almost identical except a few pictures. The real one has the logo engraved on the package box, the actual player etc. and the other one doesn't in some of those otherwise identical pictures.
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Wtf Cali?
Population control at its finest mane. Thought they been had this in effect... I dont know why FL is always the butt of jokes when Cali passing bills like these, wild fires (nothing to joke about) and strict on emissions when it comes to my gear head folk. Its whatevs tho...

Breakfast time.

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How about I work for a financial institution and we have to work today.. It's a ******* bank is *** least it won't b busy
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