the thread about nothing...

Quincy Jones did an interview recently.
He said he has to stay at Bono's place in Dublin because Irish folks are so racist.

Ive had a few encounters with them, none pleasant.

One time we were kicking a soccer ball around and it rolled under this car in a driveway. I went to get it back and it was way too far to reach. I look up and see the owner looking at me from the window. I tell him our balls under his car.

Dude comes outside pissy drunk telling me to **** off and its his ball now. Im like woah calm down man. He starts going off about immigrants this and immigrants that... But dude has a thick irish accent. Bro youre a ******* immigrant same way :lol:. Anyways we never got the ball back smh.

Another time one of my boys owed me some money so i went by his building to get it. It was cold and mad windy, as im approaching his building this litle woman is struggling to open the door. I hold it open for her and figure ill just come in instead of buzzing my boy. I call him and tell him i waiting in the lobby cuz its so brick outside. She turns to me and tells me she doesnt appreciate my kind coming here. Im like huh? My kind? What the hell does that mean? She says "immigrants"... Bro once again a thick irish accent. :lol: :smh: i could barely understand her.
Quincy Jones did an interview recently.
He said he has to stay at Bono's place in Dublin because Irish folks are so racist.

I believe him there are certain Irish folks that fall under the racist radar, and I've encounter them in nyc. I usally pay them no mind cause they know damm straight they are ignorant and immragrant as any person who has a foreign accent, living in nyc.
Doesn’t matter if someone is an immigrant if their skin tone is lighter than yours they feel superior. That’s where the ignorance comes from - colorism.
Was at the grocery store and I walk up to the counter to get deli meat. I'm the only one at the counter, nobody else waiting, and the old lady working there tells me to take a number. I'm like "Really?... I'm the only one here..." :lol:
And then she wasn't even the one that ended up taking my order. She tells me to wait then seconds later a different worker takes my order. Some people are so dumb man...
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