the thread about nothing...

I’m really trying to stay away from beverages high in sugar any substitutes other than water

And also what’s the best bottled water to drink
I been drinking Msart Water but was told all the extra additives aren’t good for you ?
I’m really trying to stay away from beverages high in sugar any substitutes other than water

And also what’s the best bottled water to drink
I been drinking Msart Water but was told all the extra additives aren’t good for you ?

Flavored sparkling water should remedy your pookie addiction to sugary drinks.

Personal recommendation, could be found in Whole Foods .

That sparking water and hint water doesn't help. It probably makes you crave the real sugary soft drinks more. There's no magic method to just quit all of a sudden. Try tapering it. Like start reducing it by one less can/bottle per week. Then the next week you shoot for drinking two less, etc. In between you probably have to eat more fruit to suppress cravings. Fruits have sugar and carbs too but can't be as bad as anything processed.

I like Eternal water and because it doesn't have additives. There are a couple other less-known brands, just don't remember the names. Essentia, Core, Fiji are shams. Avoid anything that ends in -ate or -ide in the ingredients.
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The drink I recommended has zero sugar. The craving part comes from that person free will. Also it's not sugary drinks you need to step away from its "High corn fructose syrup drinks" you need to eliminate.

Your body still needs sugar sugar what it doesn't need is the fructose syrup.

If wanna get fancy you can prep your water drinks by just adding with natural fruit acids like pineapple, oranges etc. watermelon don't have acid, and needs to be in cold at all times.

If you have a craving problem you can simple swish a can of soda in your mouth spit it out without actually the drink go down your throat.


Stay thirsty.
I'm 26 and wanna get my driver's license ASAP
Been holding it off bc I'm in NJ/NYC -- but dad is sick and can't drive anymore
Any tips/advice? Thanks TAN fam
Take the test in Wayne. It's a closed course. Newark is open road and in downtown Newark and theres a bunch of stop sign intersections.

I took my test in Newark though but Wayne is so much easier
I remember failing my driver's test three times before I finally passed.

I'm not sure how I managed that. It's one left, one right, a K turn, one parallel park and a lane change. :lol:

I remember throwing a temper tantrum after failing my third test. I wish I could go back in time and tell my 17 year old self.. 'It's not a big deal. There's a lot of things worse in life than failing a drivers test'


Actually, I'd say that about a lot of things... There's a lot of things that seemed like a big deal before that just looks really stupid now.
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Almost got killed bumping two cars trying to parallel park yesterday. Got my license in ATL I feel like I have to learn how to drive all over again in NYC
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