the thread about nothing...

We're gonna start seeing a lot of these cardi b like women in the coming years.

Can't rap for ish, but look fine as hell for eye candy exposure.
And all of them getting recruited from strip clubs and reality T.V. . Yall look up a chick named Renni Rucci
Went clubbing with Instagram "famous" girls last night. It was interesting to say the least. I wish I took pics.
Drive thru

The ****?
I use to work a person who knowingly use to sell fake iPhone accessories through an authorized at&t retailer. I use to win weekly commissions competitions. The guy owed me Almost 3 weeks of work pay had me look like a fool when it was time to pay my rent.

I found out later the guy was in court for tax evasion and other financial charges. He was found guilty.

I've learned never work people who run franchises or independent business they will screw you.
I use to work a person who knowingly use to sell fake iPhone accessories through an authorized at&t retailer. I use to win weekly commissions competitions. The guy owed me Almost 3 weeks of work pay had me look like a fool when it was time to pay my rent.

I found out later the guy was in court for tax evasion and other financial charges.
So you was playing them away games? :smh:
So you was playing them away games? :smh:
To be honest I was wasting my damm time working for that guy. It wasn't like I took the whole register. When I had to take my winnings from the competition which I always left a note in sales book. The guy will know. Only thing the $100 dollars was stuck together. It's either I **** or tell him straight up. But due to the fact he was scum bag boss I ****. It only happened once. But his idea of paying your wages on time happened multiple times, eventually got fed up with his practices and left professionally.

Eventually after me leaving all the #'s he use to fudge caught up to him, and he lost his at&t businesse account. I realized in life you can't work for people who are extremely dishonest.

If I was dishonest niceshoes247 niceshoes247 and other people I've told this story wouldn't be speaking of it. This ain't the confessions thread is it?
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I'm not gonna name names
-flame suit on-

So my boy from high school's cousin has like 3M+ followers on Instagram. He told me she was gonna be in town so he said we should all go out. He ended up doing bottle service at a club and his cousin had a bunch of her friends meet us there. It took me a while to realize that I actually follow most of them on Instagram :lol: . So we're all drinking, dancing, and having fun. Eventually a bunch of the girls needed to go to the bathroom. While they were on line one of the girls was like oh let's go to my friend's place!
So my boy's cousin and her friends all head outside and just get into Ubers to go to this dude's place. I'm like wtf is going on, where did this guy come from? The girl who said it was her friend's place wasn't even coming so I was hella sketched out. I told my boy's sister who was also with us, "Yo your cousin is tryna leave for this dude's place we should go with her". And she was like, "nah she's a grown woman she'll be iight". Now the cousin was pretty drunk at this point so I was like man I should go if they're not going to. So I hop in the Uber with the dude whose apartment we're going to, my boy's cousin, and one other girl. I was like jeez I hope this doesn't end up some SVU ish.
We get there and dude ends up being mad cool. We sat around, drank, and talked. After like 25 minutes the rest of our group links up with us in dude's apartment and we chill some more and he ordered pizza for us all.
I think all of the girls had at least 200k+ followers on instagram so I guess I was expecting them to be snapping pictures all night, posting to their stories and whatnot but I saw very little of that. They were all mad cool.

Typing this out, the story sounds pretty lame but I'm leaving stuff out :lol:
McDonald's coke.. :nthat:

I've read that McDonald's makes all their food with Coca-Cola soda in mind specifically. They'll alter new food ingredients if the taste clashes with that soda. Plus, they make sure that Coke and diet Coke have their own separate purified water lines at the dispenser machine. All the other sodas share a basic line. Crazy huh?
I'm only teasing you a little bit, benzilla but I find it hilarious how you were hanging out with ppl who literally take pictures of themselves all the time and there are no pics

oh the iron knee...

Yeah I was pretty focused on babysitting my boy's cousin lol. I actually had like 20 missed calls from my brother and my friend asking where I went.
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