the thread about nothing...


Lebron a fool
I seriously hate that Miami isnt even a rumor in all this free agent talk. Damn we cant even throw melo a half a bag jus for hahas

Pat riley content payin wutless whiteside 100 mil for nothing.

Smh from a slaughter squad to dion waiters an big for nothing whiteside.
I'm curious to see what the Bucks do in the playoffs, did not expect them to have the best record when the year started. Walker would be an immediate upgrade though
There was supposed to be a bad snow storm here in CO today... but it didn't really snow bad, not yet at least. Anyway I had to stop for gas after work, ****** around and slipped hard, face first, and landed right on my damn chin full force. Glasses fell off and everything, I thought I was gonna be injured for sure but my humble beard must have broken the fall. I hate snow so damn much.
I'm not saying I'm an alcoholic.. But I need to learn not to drink so much.

What's ironic is the presentation I had last week was about how chronic alcoholism can lead to vitamin deficiency and eventually alcohol related dementia :rofl:

I swear every time I binge drink I take a multivitamin the next morning now

If anybody cares....the brain depends a lot on glucose metabolism in order to thrive. Thiamine is a vitamin that acts as a coenzyme that aids in glucose metabolism. Alcohol depletes availability of thiamine. Without it the body can't metabolize glucose and the brain starves. When the brain starves, the mammalary bodies of the brain shrink
The mammalary bodies of the brain aids in memory behavior and emotion.

Cliff notes = drinking alcohol all the time fries your brain and makes you forgetful if you keep it up over the years.

Knowing this I still drink :lol:
I didn’t see the person get hit, but i seen aftermath of the body Covered in a white garment.

R.I.P to the women who was hit on westhimer, houston tx.

Man, poor lady :frown:

Gave me flashbacks of seeing this guy get shot multiple times in the back while he was idling in his driveway. He floored it afterwards and crashed right next to his front door. Me and my bro ran home and barely made it to our door when we heard his family screaming in horror. Chilling screams :frown: Dude died right there in front of them but luckily his baby in the car seat was unharmed.
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