the thread about nothing...

Barry, Silicon Valley, Animals, High Maintenance, Westworld, and not to mention the new shows they've got coming out this year look promising.
Didn't like Barry or Westworld, I thought Silicon Valley was cancelled cause one of the stars harassed a woman? Never heard of Animals or High Maintenance
When it finally ends what does HBO have left? I guess insecure
The Wire. *internet shrug*
Do they make Camera only devices? Anyway Amazon Alexa and Google are spying on people too. There is no such thing as privacy in this day and age.
I don’t think so. But im aware of google and amazon data collection practices. I rather use google and personally will never purchase amazon devices in my life.

You do have to give up some sort of privacy for convenience for certain services they provide. But I rather hear the company be honest and straightforward than hiding the details they do with your personal information.
Didn't like Barry or Westworld, I thought Silicon Valley was cancelled cause one of the stars harassed a woman? Never heard of Animals or High Maintenance

They booted TJ Miller off the show, but kept going without him, it's still pretty good. Animals and High Maintenance are underrated/under promoted but great because they're super easy to watch.
Go forth into y'all Mondays with these wise words;
Em hands hit different when mfs think you ain't got em.
- Confucius.
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