the thread about nothing...

Like 7hrs total-sleep these last 48hrs...
These help.

Safe weekend all around!!!!
I’m from nyc... anyone know where I can do a small getaway and be around nature the woods etc
Damn fam, nobody told me I’d be a babysitter once my daughter was born. Sister in law is graduating today and she only had an X amount of tickets for seating. Wifey, mom/pop in law, brother in law, and her man. I’m like oh damn, it’s all good only so many people can go. I get a call from my sister in law a few days ago asking where my wife was (was in the shower) & she tells me “Hey I was gonna go to my school tomorrow to get an extra ticket for graduation. I was gonna invite you but (my wife) told me not to invite you so you could watch the baby”. I told her while laughing “well that’s ****** up, i didn’t know i was a babysitter now”. Why i got upset is because for one we both have a Saturday off together (her schedule typically has her working Saturdays) and it’s a cool *** moment for us to get together as a family on a day like today, yet she didn’t even ask me about going. My wife just automatically makes the call for me to stay home and watch our daughter. Another thing is that our daughters almost two and like most toddlers, she gets antsy, cranky, etc and my wife gets embarrassed. We went to her sisters birthday dinner a week ago and our daughter was getting upset, she just ups and leaves. Doesn’t say bye to anyone and she says “I’m going to the car”. I didn’t follow her because I’m tired of her feeling embarrassed about our daughter being a toddler. I keep explaining to her that she’s a toddler, if people can’t understand that then that’s their problem but we can’t feel as though we can’t go anywhere because she’s being who she is. I brought both points up to her when she got out of the shower and the next day she apologized to me. Last night I came home from work, and cleaned the apartment (i left the dishes and was planning on mopping and sweeping) but took a break by playing some video game. As soon as she gets in the door and says hi to me she tells me to give our daughter a bath, change her into her PJ’s and make her a bottle. Mind you, I told her what I had left to do and what I had just done. When I basically tell her no, she gets upset and says the video game is more important than our daughter and storms off to do it. Later on that night I tried to talk to her and asked her to put herself in my situation, that if she came from work, cleaned the apartment and I showed up and told her to do all of those things how would she feel? Of course she doesn’t respond and instead I’m just left there asking her if she’s going to talk to me about it at all.
Damn fam, nobody told me I’d be a babysitter once my daughter was born. Sister in law is graduating today and she only had an X amount of tickets for seating. Wifey, mom/pop in law, brother in law, and her man. I’m like oh damn, it’s all good only so many people can go. I get a call from my sister in law a few days ago asking where my wife was (was in the shower) & she tells me “Hey I was gonna go to my school tomorrow to get an extra ticket for graduation. I was gonna invite you but (my wife) told me not to invite you so you could watch the baby”. I told her while laughing “well that’s ****ed up, i didn’t know i was a babysitter now”. Why i got upset is because for one we both have a Saturday off together (her schedule typically has her working Saturdays) and it’s a cool *** moment for us to get together as a family on a day like today, yet she didn’t even ask me about going. My wife just automatically makes the call for me to stay home and watch our daughter. Another thing is that our daughters almost two and like most toddlers, she gets antsy, cranky, etc and my wife gets embarrassed. We went to her sisters birthday dinner a week ago and our daughter was getting upset, she just ups and leaves. Doesn’t say bye to anyone and she says “I’m going to the car”. I didn’t follow her because I’m tired of her feeling embarrassed about our daughter being a toddler. I keep explaining to her that she’s a toddler, if people can’t understand that then that’s their problem but we can’t feel as though we can’t go anywhere because she’s being who she is. I brought both points up to her when she got out of the shower and the next day she apologized to me. Last night I came home from work, and cleaned the apartment (i left the dishes and was planning on mopping and sweeping) but took a break by playing some video game. As soon as she gets in the door and says hi to me she tells me to give our daughter a bath, change her into her PJ’s and make her a bottle. Mind you, I told her what I had left to do and what I had just done. When I basically tell her no, she gets upset and says the video game is more important than our daughter and storms off to do it. Later on that night I tried to talk to her and asked her to put herself in my situation, that if she came from work, cleaned the apartment and I showed up and told her to do all of those things how would she feel? Of course she doesn’t respond and instead I’m just left there asking her if she’s going to talk to me about it at all.

Damn sounds rough, you'll get through it though.

As far as the kid getting cranky in public it's understandable. I just hate when parents don't do anything to try and help the situation. Been to a few movies where parents would bring a kid and they just let the kid throw a tantrum in the middle of the movie. Like c'mon, take the kid outside. Same thing in church or something
Damn fam, nobody told me I’d be a babysitter once my daughter was born. Sister in law is graduating today and she only had an X amount of tickets for seating. Wifey, mom/pop in law, brother in law, and her man. I’m like oh damn, it’s all good only so many people can go. I get a call from my sister in law a few days ago asking where my wife was (was in the shower) & she tells me “Hey I was gonna go to my school tomorrow to get an extra ticket for graduation. I was gonna invite you but (my wife) told me not to invite you so you could watch the baby”. I told her while laughing “well that’s ****ed up, i didn’t know i was a babysitter now”. Why i got upset is because for one we both have a Saturday off together (her schedule typically has her working Saturdays) and it’s a cool *** moment for us to get together as a family on a day like today, yet she didn’t even ask me about going. My wife just automatically makes the call for me to stay home and watch our daughter. Another thing is that our daughters almost two and like most toddlers, she gets antsy, cranky, etc and my wife gets embarrassed. We went to her sisters birthday dinner a week ago and our daughter was getting upset, she just ups and leaves. Doesn’t say bye to anyone and she says “I’m going to the car”. I didn’t follow her because I’m tired of her feeling embarrassed about our daughter being a toddler. I keep explaining to her that she’s a toddler, if people can’t understand that then that’s their problem but we can’t feel as though we can’t go anywhere because she’s being who she is. I brought both points up to her when she got out of the shower and the next day she apologized to me. Last night I came home from work, and cleaned the apartment (i left the dishes and was planning on mopping and sweeping) but took a break by playing some video game. As soon as she gets in the door and says hi to me she tells me to give our daughter a bath, change her into her PJ’s and make her a bottle. Mind you, I told her what I had left to do and what I had just done. When I basically tell her no, she gets upset and says the video game is more important than our daughter and storms off to do it. Later on that night I tried to talk to her and asked her to put herself in my situation, that if she came from work, cleaned the apartment and I showed up and told her to do all of those things how would she feel? Of course she doesn’t respond and instead I’m just left there asking her if she’s going to talk to me about it at all.
I feel all of this bro but I approach it differently.

We have a 4 year old and a 1.5 year old. My niece graduated in June...graduation was on a week day and the school is about an hour from where I live/work.

So, given the rush after work and my kids, I just make the call that I'm not going to go. I won't subject my kids to the expectations of having to sit still in a confined space for 2 hours nor do I want to ruin the experience for parents there to see their kids graduate but have to listen to babies yelling and fussing. But I also had no desire to go out there as well.

Before I get thrown under the bus, she had her prom 2 weeks prior...i actually did show up for that. That situation was different due to the fact we were going to be at my sister's and the kids could play and run as freely as they wanted. Cherry on top though is by the time I got out there after work she had already left.

Anywho, just keep trying to communicate man. That's all you can do. Just had to go through a difficult convo trying to get my girl to realize she's being inconsiderate by having the kids out at 8 or 9 pm because I am the one who will get the kids ready for bed yet I work at 6 a.m. It's so incredibly difficult on me to have to wait late at night to even get the process started for their bed time, yet she did it twice this week. Had the audacity to constantly tell me "well 9 ain't late to me"...Like, complete disregard for the fact that someone else exist in this relationship.

**** was hard man...also had to go through the silent period where she goes " you can talk...I have nothing to say". I just let it breathe...helped get on with the in bed, clothes folded, dishes washed etc. Finally picked the convo back up after that, and while her opinion had not changed, she at least was communicating. Came to the agreement that in her days off she will just get the kids ready for bed. I told her I don't think that's a great idea but if that's what we wanna try....

Good luck man.
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At the table where I was sitting, a politician’s wife said some silly **** about jazz, like “Are we supporting this art form just because it’s here in this country, and is it art in its truest form, or are we just being blasé and ignoring jazz because it comes from here and not from Europe, and it comes from black people?”
This came from out of the blue. I don’t like questions like that because they’re just questions from someone who’s trying to sound intelligent, when in fact they don’t give a damn about it. I looked at her and said, “What is it? Jazz time or something? Why you ask me some **** like that?”

So she said, “Well, you’re a jazz musician, aren’t you?”

So I said, “I’m a musician, that’s all” […] “Do you really want to know why jazz music isn’t given the credit in this country?” […] “Jazz is ignored here because the white man likes to win everything. White people like to see other white people win just like you do and they can’t win when it comes to jazz and blues because black people created this. And so when we play in Europe, white people over there appreciate us because they know who did what and they will admit it. But most white Americans won’t.”

She looked at me and turned all red and ****, and then she said, “Well, what have you done that’s so important in your life? Why are you here?”

Now, I just hate **** like this coming from someone who is ignorant, but who wants to be hip and has forced you into a situation where you’re talking to them in this manner. She brought this on herself. So then I said, “Well, I changed music five or six times, so I guess that’s what I’ve done and I guess I don’t believe in playing just white compositions.” I looked at her real cold and said, “Now, tell me what have you done of any importance other than being white, and that ain’t important to me, so tell me what your claim to fame is?”

Miles, The Autobiography.
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