the thread about nothing...

Are you a socially arkward individual or just lame? Maybe you should have walked up to them and ask them what they were.


In case you were not aware "what are those!?!?" was a social media phenomenon that was popularized a few years ago.

I obviously know what kind of shoes those were because I mentioned it in the hashtag. Everyone takes pics of interesting things they see. You are just a hater because you moved to the west coast in pursuit of your dream life and career and failed miserably.

Go bother the ten other people you have beef with on this forum. Unlike @ahat20, I don't think you getting hit by a bus will do society any favors because it will only leave you parlayzed. You should get shoved behind the yellow line in the pic I posted right when a train comes so the world will have one less idiot to deal with.
Lmao, the man is afraid of talking to women what type of shoes they are wearing but rather take peeping Tom creep shots of their feet and share them on NT....

What a loser!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well today is a 3 day, so it all panned out.
Link to where I can find out about life path days?

What are those!?!?


Look like a shoe you prescribe when one leg is longer than the other. Yuck haha
No, just one of the long list of members that this imbecile likes to antagonize. He suggested lowIQ should get hit by a bus.
1st and foremost the fool @ me in the thread to slander me and disrespect me. A thread I've never been inside. Done tell people lies, when I can easily reveal the truth of @ahat20 actions by linking the thread.
Link to where I can find out about life path days?

Look like a shoe you prescribe when one leg is longer than the other. Yuck haha

Add the numbers in the day like a birthday.

The qualities of the people who share the same lifepath and energy (3 in this case) should be accentuated, even the negative. Such as 7's being more injury-prone on 7 days, and 11's more moody on 11 days.

I remember when platform shoes were hot 20 years ago. I know these Fila's have become popular again recently so it looks like the trend is headed that direction.
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I wish we could search in a specific threads. I forgot my life path number and I don’t want to ask again.
1st and foremost the fool @ me in the thread to slander me and disrespect me. A thread I've never been inside. Done tell people lies, when I can easily reveal the truth of @ahat20 actions by linking the thread.
Everywhere I turn and see your posts, you are instigating someone and then playing the victim card. If this is your idea of fun and entertainment then more power to you.

In case you are wondering the shoes were a style I do not typically see so it caught my eye. I thought perhaps this trend is coming back. I snapped a pic and boarded my train on the opposite site. I did not care at all about the people wearing the shoes. Matter of fact, I am fairly sure one of them was a transgender. That is probably your cup of tea, and there is nothing wrong with that. If that the case, I should've gotten their contact for you. Maybe next time.
Everywhere I turn and see your posts, you are instigating someone and then playing the victim card. If this is your idea of fun and entertainment then more power to you.

In case you are wondering the shoes were a style I do not typically see so it caught my eye. I thought perhaps this trend is coming back. I snapped a pic and boarded my train on the opposite site. I did not care at all about the people wearing the shoes. Matter of fact, I am fairly sure one of them was a transgender. That is probably your cup of tea, and there is nothing wrong with that. If that the case, I should've gotten their contact for you. Maybe next time.
Hit the block button then.
You a hypocritic too, like you aren't partaking with @nawghtyhare to post my food pic in the for thread unless you don't not called that trying to antagonize me or being passive agressive by telling a fellow NT'er to be patient with a oneness order. Seem like you want to partake in the fun and entertainment as well.

Your still a lame for invading people personal space legal or not. You lack courage, I have no shame or lack courage to walk up to a person and
and politely ask them what shoes they have on especially if it's the opposite sex. I don't care if the person is transgender, an alien least I'm not creeping around snapping pics the perverted weirdo you are.
Hit the block button then.
You a hypocritic too, like you aren't partaking with @nawghtyhare to post my food pic in the for thread unless you don't not called that trying to antagonize me or being passive agressive by telling a fellow NT'er to be patient with a oneness order. Seem like you want to partake in the fun and entertainment as well.

Your still a lame for invading people personal space legal or not. You lack courage, I have no shame or lack courage to walk up to a person and
and politely ask them what shoes they have on especially if it's the opposite sex. I don't care if the person is transgender, an alien least I'm not creeping around snapping pics the perverted weirdo you are.
I didn't say anything to you offensive for probably two weeks and counting. There might've been a couple instances where you tried to bait me, but I let it slide as long as you did not step out of bounds. Then this past weekend you decided to try me with the "Balenciaga's" and went as far as wishing physical harm on me and posted that Batman-Robin meme when you had no legal basis to your argument. Then and only then was when I fired back with the Oneness and Burger jabs. So it is what it is.

I saw the shoes, thought it was interesting, snapped the pic from a reasonable distance, and that was it. I already knew everything to identify the shoes so there was no need to approach and interrupt the people wearing them. Everyone who has a camera has taken a pic of something they find intriguing in public. You just want to make a big deal out of nothing.
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I didn't say anything to you offensive for probably two weeks and counting. There might've been a couple instances where you tried to bait me, but I let it slide as long as you did not step out of bounds. Then this past weekend you decided to try me with the "Balenciaga's" and went as far as wishing physical harm on me and posted that Batman-Robin meme when you had no legal basis to your argument. Then and only then was when I fired back with the Oneness and Burger jabs. So it is what it is.

I saw the shoes, thought it was interesting, snapped the pic from a reasonable distance, and that was it. I already knew everything to identify the shoes so there was no need to approach and interrupt the people wearing them. Everyone who has a camera has taken a pic of something they find intriging in public. You just want to make a big deal out of nothing.
Stop lying, you took the time out from your life tell me happy bday and then slander and disrespect me on my bday all in the same post. Did you not?
C'mon son stop trying to deflect the blame on me, your partaking in this tic for tac feud with me. Take some accountability for your actions.

Look if you want no further discussions with me block me and I'll do the same. And we can both have peace.
Stop lying, you took the time out from your life tell me happy bday and then slander and disrespect me on my bday all in the same post. Did you not?
C'mon son stop trying to deflect the blame on me, your partaking in this tic for tac feud with me. Take some accountability for your actions.

Look if you want no further discussions with me block me and I'll do the same. And we can both have peace.
Yeah but joking about your burger is something that can be re-made or replaced, and that was well over 2 weeks ago if you even consider it offensive. Just like when you bring up my XIV's that got stolen. It was a misfortune, but at the end of the day it is just a material item that is fungible. When you wish physical harm on someone or ridicule them based on something they have little to no control over such as a disability than that is going to far.
Yeah but joking about your burger is something that can be re-made or replaced, and that was well over 2 weeks ago if you even consider it offensive. Just like when you bring up my XIV's that got stolen. It was a misfortune, but at the end of the day it is just a material item that is fungible. When you wish physical harm on someone or ridicule them based on something they have little to no control over such as a disability than that is going to far.

Are you gonna hit the block button or nah? I will be the bigger person to go 1st. I'm done talking more action...please.
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