the thread about nothing...


Name drop fam?
Shattered my clavicle at my soccer game sunday. dude took me out and i fell right on my should. I heard it i stood up walked off the field and got driven right to the ER. I need surgery....scheduled for monday...this has been a mess


The same exact thing happened to me. Literally the same. Went body to body, fell and landed on my shoulder. Went to the ER. The doctor gave me two options. Get surgery or let it heal naturally but have the bone stick out. I’m really interested to see how your shoulder looks after the surgery. Mine still sticks out to this day
That attractive Latina that caught my eye was fired due to her job performance.

Hate group lunches at work .... I’m the only minority out of 20 people and youngest by 10-15 years.

I don’t have a thing to talk about, just sat on my phone texting lol
Hate group lunches at work .... I’m the only minority out of 20 people and youngest by 10-15 years.

I don’t have a thing to talk about, just sat on my phone texting lol
I know how you feel. I'm the youngest out of the management group by 10-12 years and it's always awkward.
X-ray collarbone.jpg

so apparently since mine is really displaced (it broke at the end and slid behind itself) They strongly suggested surgery
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