the thread about nothing...

while I did have a fair understanding of crossing the street at 12, I was highly exposed to walking outside with no adult supervision due to the fact that I lived in a major city and walked to school with my sister from the ages of 7 to 9 (when she was 12 - 14).

exposure is the key. beyond that, kids/teenagers are absolutely clueless about anything that isn't immediately effecting them.

hope it goes well for you guys going forward. try not to be so frustrated even if it isn't sticking after the first few go rounds. patience and understanding. Maybe try to find a way to visualize the dangers to him.

Yeah, we’re in a busy city with tons of traffic too. He knows how dangerous it is but he seems to drift off when we walk, even keeps his head down while doing it. We have been walking for for a total of 3 months (counting the last semester) but he still forgets to check traffic. He’ll just turn his head but doesn’t actually look for cars, just doing the motion of it. I’ll definitely keep my cool next time but I think he knows how serious I am about him learning this.

Thanks for the advice and words of encouragement.
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