the thread about nothing...

Why y’all do trav like that 😂
2020 I lost my drive and motivation for a lot of things especially my 9-5 job. My podcast has pushed me. My photography has pushed me. And it feels damn good taking control of my life a bit. Going to push freelancing online and go from there. I'll keep the squad posted. Pass or fail.
2020 I lost my drive and motivation for a lot of things especially my 9-5 job. My podcast has pushed me. My photography has pushed me. And it feels damn good taking control of my life a bit. Going to push freelancing online and go from there. I'll keep the squad posted. Pass or fail.
a blinkin a blinkin
I slept for 2hrs in like 3 or 4 days once, and **** got weird:

I stayed up in a hospital for almost 7 days with just little brief doze offs. Never more than 10 minutes because I would look at the clock when I woke up hoping I slept.
i had one instance where I thought a nurse was in my room in the middle of the night and woke up in complete darkness telling her to turn the light on but no one was there. I was shook. I was talking to her and everything and then all of a sudden it was like someone flipped a switch and I realized I was talking to nobody
I hated this so much when I was in elementary school. Used to depress me but then I remembered I could just turn on my Nintendo or Genesis.

I honestly never thought about it because of video games but when were older you can definitely tell the difference. I remember working retail and my shift would be from 12-9 and when it got dark you would think its closing time. Then you look at the clock and its 5:30 :sick: I worked at an outdoor mall so you can see when it changes.
I honestly never thought about it because of video games but when were older you can definitely tell the difference. I remember working retail and my shift would be from 12-9 and when it got dark you would think its closing time. Then you look at the clock and its 5:30 :sick: I worked at an outdoor mall so you can see when it changes.

Ahh yes, I know that feeling as well. It sucks because those next few hours afterwards feels like forever. I’d feel like “damn, why am I still here?”. Odd feeling :smh:
I stayed up in a hospital for almost 7 days with just little brief doze offs. Never more than 10 minutes because I would look at the clock when I woke up hoping I slept.
i had one instance where I thought a nurse was in my room in the middle of the night and woke up in complete darkness telling her to turn the light on but no one was there. I was shook. I was talking to her and everything and then all of a sudden it was like someone flipped a switch and I realized I was talking to nobody
Normally our brains are able to go through all the thoughts we have throughout the day and differentiate what's real and what's not. What are ideas and thoughts vs what is reality. We don't have to try to do this, its automatic, but when we go a long time with no sleep I think the brain gets too weak to process thoughts for what they are. Eventually the brain is so tired it gives up and it starts to feels like all your thoughts are becoming reality and because you're too weak to process what's happening, that false reality becomes that much more heightened. Fear and paranoia then starts to kick in because you now feel like you're living a reality that is unknown and unfamiliar to you and you don't know how to navigate through it. Sleep is the only remedy.
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