the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I look forward to sleep, I love dreaming. I can do anything 

, plus i haven't had a dream(that i remember of) for about a year now 
Just recently got both side of my ears pierced, now I have to sleep on my back, which results in sleep paralysis. I am afraid to sleep tonight
the worst is having sleep paralysis and trying to yell or make some sort of noise but nobody is there
Originally Posted by odog24

Anyone ever on the toislet and they forget that thir midpush and stand up and the dooki gets smushed in ur cheekss?


It happens when im busy on the phone and lose track of whats going on
Old Motivation for Success: Tailor made to fit Kiton suits that sit perfectly on top of Gucci loafers.
New Motivation for Success: An on call barber. I am tired of waiting hours to get a hair cut which is why I've been trying to get one for a week now but when I walk into the barber shop I turn around because there are a dozen guys waiting.
Originally Posted by baggedbaggy

the worst is having sleep paralysis and trying to yell or make some sort of noise but nobody is there
tell me about it.  I cant even move when I have it, I just make deep breaths.  My wife already knows and pushes to wake me up.   
If my 8 o clock professor doesn't show up tomorrow there will be blood. Damn commute is longer than the time spent in that class.
I quit drinking cause I was doing it way too much, but theres really nothing else to do in a college that is in the middle of nowhere
A doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream that he has fallen asleep in front of the television. Later, he will wake up in front of the television, but not remember his dream
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

A doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream that he has fallen asleep in front of the television. Later, he will wake up in front of the television, but not remember his dream

If all the animals along the equator were capable of flattery, then Thanksgiving and Halloween... would fall... on the same day.
Originally Posted by cord15

"I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything." 
Jerry Seinfeld 

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm assuming he said this in an episode (as opposed to an interview or something). If so, I've never seen the episode. This is what my brother lives by (I used to until I got a job). Our girlfriends use to get mad at us cause when we were hanging out together and they asked what we were doing we'd say nothing, but when they asked us to do something we didn't want to 'cause we were doing exactly what we wanted to be doing, which was nothing. [/font]

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Considering buying Seinfeld collection, how much would that run me?[/font]
I bought it for Christmas one year, it cost me $200 brand new, but I assume you could probably find it used for around $150. A show about "nothing" is still relevant
This dude just told me that LeBron didn't have as much excitement/hype around him during his 2nd year compared to what Blake is getting now.
Another thing I hate about working at Finishline.
*Shows customer the display shoe*
"This is the last one we have left."
"Oh, I gotta buy the display one?"
"If you want the shoe, yes. It's the last one."
"But a bunch of people have handled it!"

I either tell them at least 10 people have handled the shoes they were wearing when they were being made in factories or tell them that a bunch of people handle produce in supermarkets, but they have no choice but to buy them.
I've had "I Don't Want to Know" by Fleetwood Mac on repeat for hours. When they made this song they literally all hated each other.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

This dude just told me that LeBron didn't have as much excitement/hype around him during his 2nd year compared to what Blake is getting now.

maybe because Blake actually competed in a slam dunk contest 
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Found a iPhone 4s at my schools library today.

Turned it in to the lady at the desk.

makin peoples days since 1990.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Am I the only one who listens to nothing but underground music? Mainstream is TURRIBLE *Barkley voice*

Another thing, why are mixed chicks so slept on? best of both worlds depending on the mixture.

My past 4 flings have been mixed... I'm obsessed lowkey 

I'm 20 btw but dayum where the mixed girls at?!
Does "slept on" mean worshiped where you come from?


they have great yambs cuz they are emotionally unstable...

have low self esteem but gets holla'd at at EVERY event they attend..

dont know what you talkin' about fambs...

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