the thread about nothing...


i tried to run 5 miles with my dog yesterday.
he gave up halfway lol
He's giving you that look that says "race me to a half mile and we'll see what's up"😁
GOT. To finish Christmas shopping today. My family drew names for Christmas. I been had my gift ready. Come to find out my baby sister got something for everyone, now we all gotta step it up in crunch time. :smh:

Such a good ad. In 1959 Volvo created the 3-point safety seatbelt. The public reacted by saying it was stupid and a violation of human rights.

Damn, I never knew it was Volvo who started the seatbelt safety measure. It's crazy what the public first thought about it. Seatbelts were optional till early 70s- just crazy. I can never get in my cars & drive off w/o buckling first & safety last. I think airbags became standard mid 90s IIRC. My younger brother wanted to get one of them NRG quick release steering wheel to replace his stock factory one that had an airbag just to be cool lol. His gf threatened to break up with him if he did that :rofl: He changed his mind real fast. Just not a smart idea to drive around w/o an airbag in the steering wheel with modern traffic. Dope post, thank you for sharing
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