the thread about nothing...



If you won the lottery, would you take the annuity or lump sum and why?

I would take the money in increments so I wouldn't spend the money to lavishly.
probably lump sum, but would also have to calculate the net present value of the payments
knew someone that won the lottery and they took the lump sum. think the winnings were a couple mil. think they just invested it for now.
If you won the lottery, would you take the annuity or lump sum and why?

I would take the money in increments so I wouldn't spend the money to lavishly.

I would take the annual payments. Why? Well, you’d learn how to be a millionaire every year and what your mistakes were. What investments worked, what purchases didn’t make your life better, were those “new friends” worth keeping around, which family members must you not spoil...etc. Next year you’ll be given the same amount and start fresh. That’s just my thinking though.
If you won the lottery, would you take the annuity or lump sum and why?

I would take the money in increments so I wouldn't spend the money to lavishly.

For most people, that impulse spending is inevitable. I honestly don't know what I would do. For tax purposes, annuity seems like the better option off top. But, before all that, i'll probably have to pick myself up off the floor once or twice, take a LONG shower to clear my head, write down important phone numbers, and change my number.
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