the thread about nothing...

Goddamn NYC subways man 👎👎👎X100. I love how the mayor & city official claim "it's safe" to ride the buses & trains here :smh: . Every single day literally each & everyday there's an incident of violence here on mass transit.

It's like when you go underground into the subway all bets are off, no rules & regulations exist basically the wild wild west down there. I got my first car back in 2015 & have never & will never give a penny of my hard earned $ to the MTA ever again **** the MTA! Piss poor service/0 safety/dirty af buses & trains. Anytime I go into Manhattan I gladly pay to park my car in the garage with a smile on my face regardless of the price. At least I know I'll be safe driving to & from inside the privacy of my clean & safe car.
How are the men just standing there watching it happen. Smh at seeing that guy whisper into his phone and move when the crackhead ordered him to.
Sad but it's usually the case. I think they call it the Bystander Effect. No one wants to intervene & risk getting harmed. Guy recording is the biggest ***** of them all. Violent crime(s) in this city are so goddamn through the f'ing roof it's incomprehensible & I don't have the words to decribe it. As expected our new mayor sucks major *** but everyday he'll hold a news conference & tell the citizens of NYC what a great job him & his staff are doing & all the programs + initiatives that have been put into place to make this a sfee city- ALL BOLD FACED LIES!
This plastic bag/straw ban is mularkey. Cars were steel up until late 90s than went to plastic. Crazy how it's fine for the industry that causes way more harm to go the opposite direction while we now gotta grow extra arms to carry groceries and chug our beverages before the straw gets too soggy. Libs smh
Got in a car accident early Friday morning around midnight, 12:30AMish. Other driver decided to run the red light, essentially cutting me off and Tboned him. Fractured and dislocated my right hip bone. Had surgery yesterday. Can’t walk right now but should be starting physical therapy later today. Doctor said I’ll be out 6-8 weeks, but definitely better than losing my life. Never expected something like this happen to me but here I am.
Got in a car accident early Friday morning around midnight, 12:30AMish. Other driver decided to run the red light, essentially cutting me off and Tboned him. Fractured and dislocated my right hip bone. Had surgery yesterday. Can’t walk right now but should be starting physical therapy later today. Doctor said I’ll be out 6-8 weeks, but definitely better than losing my life. Never expected something like this happen to me but here I am.
Ouch. Get well soon.

Sounds like you might need a lawyer too…
I know I’m not the only person that immediately clicks off a long *** IG
I just assume not a once of it is important
Top of the app looking like a pac man game


I’ll pass
I always used wired headphones at the gym because I was afraid that if I got Airpods I would lose them. My girlfriend told me I was being ridiculous, so she went out and bought me a pair.

Today was my first day back in the gym since COVID and I already lost them. :lol: :smh:
I lost my first 2 earpods in my car..
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