the thread about nothing...

Center and shower >


What is the date on that?

Amy key articles/things you read?
That’s a good question. I’m not sure what the exact date is but it should be fairly current because it was on the magazine rack.

I didn’t get very far into it as the the store was about to close. But it was very cool.

I have a similar one that I’ve purchased with great info as well. It had some great quotes in it.

By the way, have you ever been? What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Oh, looking on the cover I thought it was an OLD Time Magazine.
Some reading and hot tea at Barnes & Noble. Happy 4th fellas.
View attachment 2994681

Oh, looking on the cover I thought it was an OLD Time Magazine.

But I guess I missed the, "50 Year Celebration" part.

I went when I was in 6th grade. That was in the 90s. It was cool but I don't remember too much to be honest.
Watched Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix and it might be the best animated show I’ve ever seen. How did I never give it a chance back then
I reckon you'd enjoy Arcane too as SC kid SC kid said
If you're looking to venture into Japanese animation, I highly recommend "Hunter x Hunter"
It's around 140 episodes if I recall correctly.
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