the thread about nothing...

2022-11-14 10.39.56.jpg

I've had this coffee machine for nearly 2 years - and have the same on at home too. I always wondered why the drip tray was white when the rest is silver. Noticed a little lift at the corner and it's been plastic wrapped the whole time!
I had an adderall addiction about 2 years ago and cannot believe I put myself through that. Would take 90-150mg each day (3-5 pills) and most days would either get 3 hours of sleep or less each night. Sometimes I wouldn't sleep for 2 days straight :sick:
Me alegra saber que dejastes eso y ahora estas limpio, sigue asi hermanito.
Turkey bowl with my HS friends was cancelled. I'm lightweight bummed and was looking forward to playing.
My brother's in-laws spotted doing their game few years ago and I'm still disappointed.
Tonight’s fun after work activity was unblocking the hoover after one of my kids borrowed it. 3 separate clogs and had to break out my endoscope to get the last one in the long bendy pipe. Nice being able to confirm that it’s totally clear after - it’s lifting the carpet off the floor now.


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