the thread about nothing...

H1B visa. Skewed data

Western Immigration policy is very strict. Those who are able to immigrate with ease usually have a higher education and specialized skills that the west needs to fill a void.

I promise you the average Indian street vendor isn't the one being allowed to come here with ease. It's the ones that have a computer science degree or medical degree.

This is the same way with Africans allowed in the US like Nigerians
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That’s a very flawed way to look at something. It doesn’t take into account how many of each ethnic group there are or where they primarily live. Indians for examples pretty much live in New York, Cali, and Texas. That’s 2 of the highest cost of living states so of course any job they have is going to be high salary comparatively + most / large amount of Indian immigrants were already doctors or engineers when they first came here. Hate stuff like this that’s divisive with no context helps no one. Even the flags used make no sense lol why do some of them have US flags and others don’t.
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