the thread about nothing...

Did Da Rock helped the Fast franchise tho
So joining the Fast family in 2011 in Fast 5 The Rock had a lot of people hyped, myself included. He was a great addition to the franchise with his onscreen persona. But going into his own spinoff triggered the rest of the cast especially Vin Diesel & by then Rock and Diesel didn't see eye-to-eye on the sets of Fast 8. His role was limited at best in Fast 7 because he had other projects going on during that time. He def helped boost the fanbase by coming onboard & delivered in his role as a balls out DSS agent. I wished he stayed on but if we're being serious he's the only real "actor" in the Fast lineup so I can see why he wasn't going to put up with the BS & moved on.
Neither have I, at this point the franchise might as well be a Sci-fi or super hero franchise
I'd definitely watch a 'Dominic Toretto VS Optimus Prime' crossover :lol: . I got my $ on Toretto. All he needs to defeat Prime's bigass is his Dodge Charger & 1 last ride :lol:.
2 is a classic. Will always be the best one in the series

This never gets old :lol:. 1 & 2 were so perfect for their eras. They could not have been made in any other time period. The cheesy acting, the awful 1 liners, Luda's velour suits, the body kits & under glow lights & how people modded their cars back then :lol:.
I’ve never seen any of the fast and furious movies

Neither have I, at this point the franchise might as well be a Sci-fi or super hero franchise

There's no reason to, and I've seen all of them.

I watched up til 9 for the first time in 2021
The acting is godawful
but at some point in the series, you really are in and totally move past that
it really does feel like it's family (lol)
and youre along for the ride

now Im a scorese, kubrick guy
but there is def something to f&f
its pure entertainment

fast 5 though was one of THE best action films/sequences Ive ever seen

and I dont understand the Tokyo Drift hate
that was one of the best ones imo

But one thing watching it as a washed old man
I was like damn
they really are teaching youth to be highly irresponsible behind the wheel
"how do they get away with this!?"

and the damage
the damage they cause, insurance-wise

I'm sorry you grew up the way u did

I feel sorry for your mother lol.

A former co-worker and I used to jokingly say "you actin like a little bish right now" when one of us was in a whiny mood or said something we didn't like.
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