the thread about nothing...

Yeah man the story really is crazy. Mrs Harper was so dope, she could hoop, taught me how tonuse my right hand, would always feed you, ALWAYS had 2Pac mixed with Earth Wind &Fire and gospel playing, bought students school supplies before it became a mandatory thing. NGL Mr Brothers was pretty cool too or so I thought. Crazy I think I still have a UNC basketball pennant he gave me somewhere.
I work the least amount possible. :lol:

My wife already knows I’m retiring by 55 so there’s no surprises I’ll leave the country if I can’t afford it here. I don’t even do anything expensive anyways.
My employer suggested that I seek "progressive re-employment" (which is basically a form of disability) and work less so now I'm mandated to work 20h a week but somehow that increases my income substantially.
I think it's actually a bit messed up that our healthcare system sort of incentivizes this.

Basically due to my epilepsy I've racked up 800 hours of sick days this year, so I previously suggested to my boss to change my contract and decrease my salary or make my sick days unpaid. I did so because my workplace is a literal utopia in terms of location, pay, coworkers, workload, my boss, ..., and I wanted to firmly entrench my position.
My employer refused and actually gave me a raise, but a while back they apparently looked into a way to allow me to work less and shift a substantial part of my pay onto the healthcare system.
They said my account of sick days (almost all due to seizures and after-effects) would easily get me approved for this so-called progressive re-employment because my epilepsy diagnosis states it is triggered by "fatigue and/or stress" rather than the photosensitive type of epilepsy.
Wasn't even my idea in the first place but my employer suggested I ask for a 50% arrangement, which means I'm not allowed to work more than 20h a week. My employer pays my salary those 20 hours, and the other days are paid by my healthcare provider.
My boss even said "50% is fine but the percentage isn't important to us, we'll approve whatever. what's more important is your health. that's what good government and healthcare is for after all."
Couldn't believe what I was hearing when he said that, considering my employer is a large HR software company with a steady 20%+ growth/year.

The idea is of course that this isn't a permanent arrangement. Prior to this job when I was studying for my software testing courses, I had 3 seizures in one year. After getting employed full-time, this gradually racked up to a minimum of 2 seizures a month, resulting in a current total of 800 hours of sick days in my second year of being employed there. In theory, working 20h a week will vastly decrease the amount of seizures. I asked my healthcare provider to approve this arrangement for 3 months, so that it can be re-evaluated according to the impact on my amount of seizures.
I'm allowed to freely decide when I complete my 20 hours as well so it's easier to force the cost of potential sick days 100% onto my healthcare provider.

Where this gets kind of messed up is that the pay from my healthcare provider is untaxed. Of course this is reflected in my taxes to some extent but it doesn't offset the boost to my income by any means. Overall it's roughly a 30% increase in monthly income.
With my gigantic pile of medical records and various conditions, I could likely get approved for just about any arrangement but I imagine it wouldn't be all that difficult for someone to abuse such an arrangement.

This 'approval process' consisted solely of me giving my medical records to my healthcare provider and a form signed by my neurologist stating that I am medically unfit to work more than 50%. I was never interviewed by my healthcare provider's physician, never asked any questions at all, ... and got basically immediate approval.
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You’d rather it be your way than our way though. If you needed assistance here you’d probably get it but idk how long it would take and it wouldn’t be enough to live off.

My daughter’s mom had a stroke and couldn’t work for a while. I think she got like 800 a month or something. I don’t remember the specific amount but it wasn’t something you could live off. Her parents helped her out though so she was fine.
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You’d rather it be your way than our way though. If you needed assistance here you’d probably get it but idk how long it would take and it wouldn’t be enough to live off.

My daughter’s mom had a stroke and couldn’t work for a while. I think she got like 800 a month or something. I don’t remember the specific amount but it wasn’t something you could live off. Her parents helped her out though so she was fine.
Oh for sure. I think the amount I get at my income level is excessive but for people with average or below average salaries, it's a fantastic system.
We have an insanely high tax rate compared to most countries so the fact that these healthcare payments are untaxed is huge.
I don't think there's a scenario where the impact on your annual tax filings offset the amount of untaxed income you get from those healthcare payments.

It's a bit contradictory that this "progressive re-employment" thing is massively better than full-fledged disability coverage though. I was on disability for a year or 2 before my hormone condition was diagnosed and treated. For me that amounted to around €1200/month.
Even if my current arrangement was at 10% instead of 50% (so 4 hours of work/week), I'd be making far more than I did during full disability coverage.
Disability coverage is exclusively handled by the government's social security and finance agency, whereas progressive re-employment isn't necessarily government-affiliated. It depends on if your healthcare provider is public or private. In my case I have a private healthcare provider, mostly because they cover a 1-person room in the hospital :lol:
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Applied for a job at Trader Joe’s…

Lady interviews me & says “stay on top of your emails for the NEXT STEPS” .. some expectation setting verbiage there.

Dude it’s been a FULL ******* 2 WEEKS!!!

I log into their website EVERYDAY UNTIL NOW. Application status said “under review” for 13 days. I’m thinking maybe it’s because of thanksgiving & BF coming up they waiting..

Today it says “Email Sent - Not Selected at this Time - Interviewed”
Like dude it took you that LOONG??? WTF? How did these people even work there??

******** about email sent. Where??

Won’t be shopping there ever again. Wasted 2 weeks of my life waiting, checking everyday.
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You’d rather it be your way than our way though. If you needed assistance here you’d probably get it but idk how long it would take and it wouldn’t be enough to live off.

My daughter’s mom had a stroke and couldn’t work for a while. I think she got like 800 a month or something. I don’t remember the specific amount but it wasn’t something you could live off. Her parents helped her out though so she was fine.
it really sucks on our part. Belgium is in heaven with that kind of an arrangement. never understood my co-worker why he chose to give-up living there just because of the cold weather and living now where we have cold weather and winter as well and had to work our butts off.

as of the moment, I'm injured right now and have to call in sick for 2 days without pay. have to go to ER where I work inorder to get my manager and HR off my back for suspicion of patterned absences. how silly is that? my co-worker nurse practitioner issued me a doctor's note and looked at my health records to validate my health concern and gave me a 7-10 day off just in case my symptoms re-occur within that time period and don't have to go thru that process again. it's a chronic ailment and that would be good to have that on file whenever someone bothers or threaten my employment again or subject me to a disciplinary action. F the system.
Also my boys BM killed a tow truck driver. He was trying to repo her car she jumped in drove away in the process his leg got caught in a chain and she drug him for a while. Crazy B didnt even get life. Im sure that one can be googled under Detra Mills Farries colorado springs

Looks like she got out in 2021, whole story was wild, she dragged the tow truck driver 1.4 MILES before she stopped.

Looks like she got out in 2021, whole story was wild, she dragged the tow truck driver 1.4 MILES before she stopped.

Yeah my bad, she was mills when she was married to him or at some point. I was at that apartment where it started maybe a week before. I left cause they were always fighting. She was quick to hit my dude and then call and get him locked up. Id even seen her drive that same beat up truck with my dude on the hood for a few blocks going fast af with the kids in the car once. She was always off to me, whole city was shocked when she got off so light for a clearly obvious intentional act.
it really sucks on our part. Belgium is in heaven with that kind of an arrangement. never understood my co-worker why he chose to give-up living there just because of the cold weather and living now where we have cold weather and winter as well and had to work our butts off.

as of the moment, I'm injured right now and have to call in sick for 2 days without pay. have to go to ER where I work inorder to get my manager and HR off my back for suspicion of patterned absences. how silly is that? my co-worker nurse practitioner issued me a doctor's note and looked at my health records to validate my health concern and gave me a 7-10 day off just in case my symptoms re-occur within that time period and don't have to go thru that process again. it's a chronic ailment and that would be good to have that on file whenever someone bothers or threaten my employment again or subject me to a disciplinary action. F the system.

They really have no right to question your UNPAID absences. Tf do they care? they aren’t paying you.
They really have no right to question your UNPAID absences. Tf do they care? they aren’t paying you.
exactly my point. that is plain harassment. worst part is, in those instances you are not getting paid for grievances and they don't even subject management to disciplinary action or termination even if they have continuously done it. best thing to do is put everything on record til enough documentation is enough to discipline the person. if not, lawsuit could follow for inaction. I'd pull out the labor code whenever needed if my union fails to act on it.
At least you got a union to fall back on. I’d call my business agent if they kept acting up. If hr is still bothering you have your BA sit in on a meeting.
They really have no right to question your UNPAID absences. Tf do they care? they aren’t paying you.
Yeah that's crazy. Even with my 800 hours of sick days this year, I've never been questioned. It probably helps that I've had a handful of seizures at work, but still.
You can't even read my doctor's writing. I can pretty much doxx myself here because it's literally impossible to read.

Look at this **** lmao

Attest 21 Nov.jpeg
My Jr high principal killed his wife(my middle school hoop coach), their kids, and her mother. I was over their house a grip my 7th grade year, and he would give me a ride from practice almost everyday that year and 8th grade. Shortly after i graduated JR High, he killed them. You can google Vincent Brothers Bakersfield, Ca im sure theres some articles online about it.

Also my boys BM killed a tow truck driver. He was trying to repo her car she jumped in drove away in the process his leg got caught in a chain and she drug him for a while. Crazy B didnt even get life. Im sure that one can be googled under Detra Mills colorado springs

The most 'criminal' thing in my local area I remember is a student in my highschool suddenly disappearing because his Italian mob family fled to Colombia. There's not really any substantial crime in my very local area but a small city about 20km away from me is pretty notorious. People knew his dad was an Italian mobster who ran a prostitution network in Ghent but the son didn't really cause trouble or anything. From what I recall he was actually a pretty normal guy and not at all what you'd expect from someone who grew up in a notorious crime syndicate. The worst story about the family was that the father either personally executed or ordered a hit on his brother in law for some reason. It was an execution-style shooting.
One day the son just disappeared and then the local newspapers reported that the family fled to Colombia.

Besides that, there was a pedophile janitor at my highschool but there were never any reports about him harming anyone. It seemed pretty clear he had an intellectual development issue, so I guess maybe that's why people felt bad for him. He'd regularly show up at underage party events and students (both guys and girls) would always ironically pose for pictures with him.
Some time after I graduated, it was reported he killed himself.

As far the internet goes, a lot of people I do or did social media business with are in jail or have gone to jail for various hacking and financial crimes but there was one case where the guy decided to message me on Skype while being raided. :lol:
He went by the alias "Glubz" at the time and was someone I occasionally sold social media usernames to but I didn't really have intimate knowledge of what he did besides buying/selling social media usernames.

Teen TalkTalk hacker accused of cryptocurrency fraud in US​

Elliott Gunton, one of the teenage hackers who broke into TalkTalk’s systems in 2015, faces extradition to the US to face fraud charges​

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