the thread about nothing...

Sad to say man, but she made a post a few months back that made me check out her ******** page smh


But man!!! Sheesh!!!
My wife followed a link to a survey about "your real age" this morning (and she's quite pleased because it says that she's 10 years younger than her real age) and now all we're getting on youtube is adverts for chair workouts for over 50s.

Getting me down - I think I'm going to be perfectly capable of proper exercise hopefully for another 20 years or so at least.

After a month I can't wait to take everything down and start a new year. My tree was by the curb on 12/29.

Then I usually watch a horror movie to shock myself back to reality. Speaking of which, the entire Friday the 13th series is on Pluto TV right now.
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