the thread about nothing...

Today or?

Yes, it's a common theme for responsible dads.


Didn't want to clog up the other thread but in general this goes for any type of leadership. Teaching, Coaching, in the workplace. Leadership is just a thankless position but when you fail the pushback comes fast. #

It is what it is man, as a man you just shouldn't expect any pats on the back. If you get them? Cool, but you should know they probably won't come.
I’m assistant director of my department at work. The director is currently out on maternity leave which has made me sitting director since November. I was nervous about it and wanted to do everything in my power to succeed and make sure the department runs smoothly without her.

Turns out I might have done too good of a job because administration is talking like I’m gonna be the new director when she comes back. I welcome the pay raise, but the fallout is gonna be real rough. Also not too sure if I even want this much responsibility. We’ll see how this plays out.
Wordle 1,310 6/6


I almost suffered your same fate, kdawg kdawg . 😬
Total shot in the dark between 3 possibilities I nailed it down to.

Yeah I did that badly - I thought I had it but didn’t use my 3rd or 4th guess to narrow it down so got left with 3 options and only 2 guesses.
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