the thread about nothing...

been studying like crazy for these finals, i think i'm done for the day.

posted in here last week saying id watch "enter the void" after eating half a cookie...well i ended up lying in my bed in the fetal position for 3 hours praying i'd fall asleep and stop tripping :lol:

so i think im trying again tonight with 1/4 of a cookie
for some reason I can't look into the spoiler if I don't let it load, it just brings me back to the top.
this page made my phone crash..

So i'm in the process of trying to fix my GPA and is it ok for me to attend a local CC and take the same classes and get my grades replaced or do I have to go back to my same 4-year?

The CC is Pasadena and the 4-year is Dominguez Hills
You gotta ask your schools registration office about that. They ultimately decide what credits they'll take. My terrible school basically blocked credits from all other schools because they wanted my money and could clearly take the classes for cheaper elsewhere. Hate them man.

I guess I'm calling Monday

So i'm in the process of trying to fix my GPA and is it ok for me to attend a local CC and take the same classes and get my grades replaced or do I have to go back to my same 4-year?

The CC is Pasadena and the 4-year is Dominguez Hills
You gotta ask your schools registration office about that. They ultimately decide what credits they'll take. My terrible school basically blocked credits from all other schools because they wanted my money and could clearly take the classes for cheaper elsewhere. Hate them man.

i also go to a calstate and u can retake the course at a cc but it wont replace the grade u got at dominguez . im not sure about dominguez but at northridge u can retake the class at northridge and it will replace the grade but we can only do that for 16 units

Hmm I'm just trying to improve my GPA so I'm guessing a CC would do?
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