the thread about nothing...

that's the damn problem man..

we try to police the thread and dudes want to talk down..
**** em ******* gon always talk down. Do yall thing
I can't stand cars with bright *** headlights at night....or people that drive with their high beams on the whole time. My #1 pet peeve about driving.
i think our next wars are going to be fought in space..countries are going to try to colonize other planets and ish..

china has been shooting down our sattelites with lasers for years now.
i wonder what its like there...the only thing people about em is that little fake tour they give to make it seem like everything is great..

we are so damn lucky to live in amurrka
fallback B, dude is trying to keep the thread from getting locked. Keep the female traits elsewhere

The thread will not get locked over some water socks give me break, I posted it the first time and nobody got bent out shape over it, if someone would of said something that it was wrong, then I would of acknowledged it and kept it moving. So no need to fall back on anything "B".
It'll be 8 years pretty soon since my mom passed away and I've thought about her every day since.

Take it from me, NT Bros...... Love 'em while they're here because nobody is ever gonna love you like your mom will.
Just told her I love her.

Feels good.

She was happy.
does radioshack sell small 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio cables?

like 3 inches long..
Yes. I bought one from there like 2 years ago
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