the thread about nothing...

I want to watch a movie. Don't know which one though.

In the last week I've watched MIB3, TED, Fast Five, and The Campaign. Any other good ones?
Coped a merm today and the girl at the register was

Ninja was right
I want to watch a movie. Don't know which one though.

In the last week I've watched MIB3, TED, Fast Five, and The Campaign. Any other good ones?
Shawshank Redepmtion, Ip Man, Shutter Island, Blood Diamond, American History X, and any Toy Story.
I'm at my folk's home for the holidays. And they have a family friend staying with us. 

My pops gave me cash just now to take care of them tomorrow.... Will be honest, I'm about to blow it all at the bar 
I'm at my folk's home for the holidays. And they have a family friend staying with us. 

My pops gave me cash just now to take care of them tomorrow.... Will be honest, I'm about to blow it all at the bar :\

Damn bruh sounds like u got problemos. Get some will power
Should I watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right now? Or king of the hill + simpsons episodes
Finally watched 21 Jumpstreet. Color me impressed.

I can't wait for the next one. :nerd:
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