the thread about nothing...

NT trying to sabotage me, b :{

is there a trick to that? I don't get why the filter didn't work 8o
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Depression is a *****, fam 
Overweight girl wants to have sex. I have standards but I feel like i'm desperately in need of losing my virginity.
got kicked out of our skate spot for good
 worst part was the cop was all like "i use to skate in the 90's, i understand how it sucks" in my head i was like wtf, **** off then 
got kicked out of our skate spot for good
 worst part was the cop was all like "i use to skate in the 90's, i understand how it sucks" in my head i was like wtf, **** off then 

well its technically not ur land ur skating on bruh.

rules are rules
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