the thread about nothing...

Look at you guys and your fancy jobs :smh:

I got my new position a few months ago and It was a bitter and sweet feeling. Somehow unexpected. I held on to a level entry position for 3 years right after college and the person who had my current position passed away due to a heart attack. Cool guy. We talked about sports all day, considering that we were the only guys in the department. He was only 35 years old :smh:

was his condition related to where he worked? be careful if thats the case.

i was day trading when i was 18-21 and i had high blood pressure from it. i didnt take any meds for it even though i had some because i didnt want to be dependent on it at an early age. after i found out how rigged the markets was i decided to quit.
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been sitting at work trying to figure this out

:wow: I totally forgot about this guy and his awesome mustache. Good to see you back bro, sorry to hear about your losses. Everytime someone here has a pet die it reaffirms my assumption that I couldnt handle it.
:smokin thanks! yeah, it was roough as heck losin my little pup...

and as for work, I manage a Diesel store...get that 3k clothing allowance twice a year...which affords me like 1 pair of jeans :lol:
really hated the brand before i started working there, and realized that not everything they make is douchebag status... diesel black gold stuff is fantastic :smokin
been sitting at work trying to figure this out
I think its impossible, too many bridges touch the middle island
I totally forgot about this guy and his awesome mustache. Good to see you back bro, sorry to hear about your losses. Everytime someone here has a pet die it reaffirms my assumption that I couldnt handle it.
thanks! yeah, it was roough as heck losin my little pup...

and as for work, I manage a Diesel store...get that 3k clothing allowance twice a year...which affords me like 1 pair of jeans

really hated the brand before i started working there, and realized that not everything they make is douchebag status... diesel black gold stuff is fantastic
I remember you bought a house right?
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Look at you guys and your fancy jobs
I got my new position a few months ago and It was a bitter and sweet feeling. Somehow unexpected. I held on to a level entry position for 3 years right after college and the person who had my current position passed away due to a heart attack. Cool guy. We talked about sports all day, considering that we were the only guys in the department. He was only 35 years old
was his condition related to where he worked? be careful if thats the case.

i was day trading when i was 18-21 and i had high blood pressure from it. i didnt take any meds for it even though i had some because i didnt want to be dependent on it at an early age. after i found out how rigged the markets was i decided to quit.
I don't think so. He was a little over weight and might've developed some conditions from the past. His diet was so poor, I would always see him eating junk food.

But I do play around with stocks from time to time, I'm just learning lol. Not as heavy but I try to watch the market everyday. I bought in on AMD at $1.70 a few months back and  I'm thinking about selling soon.
naw, i had come out to take care of my grandma...moved from San Fran, out to houston, and the house i was staying at was hers....she passed in november, and it was kinda weird being there after that...
got a new spot downtown now, and am actually loving it 8) tonight the management is doing valenwine's day at the mailboxes, wine cheese crackers and snacks...they do all sorts of cool events here, so me and the little lady are starting to really like being out here in the H
our new spot
Just realized today that I've been calling my coworker Jeff for the past 3 months.....His name is Todd.

 i had an issue like that with a co-worker.

his name is Ran (like the past-tense of Run), i kept calling him Ren.
i find myself calling this guy big D

his name is dave
One of my coworker has a long hindu name that's hard to pronounce, Vijayarathna. I ******g choke everytime I say it
haha just shorten it to vijay
Look at you guys and your fancy jobs :smh:

I got my new position a few months ago and It was a bitter and sweet feeling. Somehow unexpected. I held on to a level entry position for 3 years right after college and the person who had my current position passed away due to a heart attack. Cool guy. We talked about sports all day, considering that we were the only guys in the department. He was only 35 years old :smh:

was his condition related to where he worked? be careful if thats the case.

i was day trading when i was 18-21 and i had high blood pressure from it. i didnt take any meds for it even though i had some because i didnt want to be dependent on it at an early age. after i found out how rigged the markets was i decided to quit.
I don't think so. He was a little over weight and might've developed some conditions from the past. His diet was so poor, I would always see him eating junk food.

But I do play around with stocks from time to time, I'm just learning lol. Not as heavy but I try to watch the market everyday. I bought in on AMD at $1.70 a few months back and  I'm thinking about selling soon.

nice move. my previous boss is messing with penny stocks right now.
ive been learning technical analysis for over 5 years now and i still dont know how to do charts like this


i can read it but i cant make it from scratch on that level.
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