the thread about nothing...

did you know you can eat the skin of a kiwi fruit? and it doesn't taste bad?!?!
Tan would you consider this weird? This guy that sits next to me in class is like an acquaintance I don't know him too well and today he asks me what I'm doing for Valentines Day. Is this normal? I just said idk then he tells me that he'll be in class all day
Tan would you consider this weird? This guy that sits next to me in class is like an acquaintance I don't know him too well and today he asks me what I'm doing for Valentines Day. Is this normal? I just said idk then he tells me that he'll be in class all day

He wants the d.
did you know you can eat the skin of a kiwi fruit? and it doesn't taste bad?!?!
my coworker eats it whole. says it tastes like how a tarantula looks
 at grandtheft

but, gottabeEm.....i always questioned this, but never get around to finding everytime i eat a kiwi....i just slice it in half and squeeze it out......

thanx........honestly though....i will look more into the nutrients of the skin before i devour them whole lol....
Only 6 more reps
You have one of the funniest avys on NT.

The subtle editions to your avy always having me chuckling.

watched this 11 times today alone 
I have this anime on my to-watch list.

What do you like about it?

Does it have a lot of action?
Tan would you consider this weird? This guy that sits next to me in class is like an acquaintance I don't know him too well and today he asks me what I'm doing for Valentines Day. Is this normal? I just said idk then he tells me that he'll be in class all day
He wants you to be his valentine.
How is that weird? Someone you know asks what your plans are for Valentine's Day... maybe he's making conversation and trying to be friendly? If he asked what your plans were for New Years, would you think he wants to kiss you at midnight? Thanksgiving he wants to carve your family's turkey? 
How is that weird? Someone you know asks what your plans are for Valentine's Day... maybe he's making conversation and trying to be friendly? If he asked what your plans were for New Years, would you think he wants to kiss you at midnight? Thanksgiving he wants to carve your family's turkey? 
I just thought it was weird because no guy has ever really asked me that before unless it's like a best friend.
But this guy is a little weird so I guess it's normal to him
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