the thread about nothing...

I'm not dominican papi

ANd I also received my usb. I think it was from u trill since you reside in the ga right?

Thanks I love anything that had Kanye in it

THe downfall of no socks is that the insoles get stuck to my feet so when I take off my shoes the insoles come out
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I'm not dominican papi

ANd I also received my usb. I think it was from u trill since you reside in the ga right?

Thanks I love anything that had Kanye in it
i do live in ga, but i didn't participate this time..

i think Antidope lives down here too.

Not sure if yall watched the fights tonight but I was ROLLINGGGGG at this

Wandy got kicked in the nuts and this is the result.

I'm probably going to OD on this gif.


"BRB Using imagination since no pics"
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social networking is killing technology. everything you do, or want to do online doesn't have to be shared with your "friends"
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