the thread about nothing...

teen mom 2>>>drinking 
Watching Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence movie is funny but Bernie Mac's parts are straight comedy
Looking up a GRE tutor $135/HR :x damn and I've seen prep classes for $500 plus the test is $185 to register man any chance to get help and people just want to gouge you for money

I need some tips for taking this damn test.

I went today to Barnes and Noble to look at these books but man there's a lot of them
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Morning tan another semi busy day at work.
Those Boston pictures...dudes missing legs :smh: such a sad and scary situation. I am running our 5k town run in 2 months....just scary to think about.

I have so much bs life stuff to take care of.....emissions test for my car...i need a hair cut...i need my oil changed....i have to mow my lawn its a damb jungle....not enough time in the day man
WUDDDDDUP TANLOT! Hype *** Tuesdays have arrived once again!

Discussing what age you wanna be married and have kids by and how many kids and where you wanna ultimately settle down and start a family really puts things in perspective.

It really does. Especially when that time has already passed and your behind the curve of where you want to be.
OK who got whammed? I lost a few reps.

Morning LOT.

Already kinda ticked, couldn't see any sports this morning. As soon as I turn to SC, they got to exclusively covering the Boston bombing.

***** crazy. :smh:
Salute LOT, what's going on?

I feel like I haven't been here in ages :lol:. Tr1ll, that was my first thought too when I logged on. I wonder who it is? Oh well. I missed y'all. I guess I have to back track all the way to Thursday to get a full recap. Reading missed posts here is like homework :lol:
Discussing what age you wanna be married and have kids by and how many kids and where you wanna ultimately settle down and start a family really puts things in perspective.

My position on that is, I'll be married and have kids when I'm damn well ready to. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. I don't like when family pressures you to do that because you're doing it to please them. Why force a potential lifetime of misery that not only affects you, but your children. So many things go into that dynamic of being married and have children. Things have changed drastically, even from 20 years ago in this area. Not to say you would never do it, but by th way things are going, if you want to have a healthy family, so many factors come into play. What people don't realize is that their "wishes" for you is myopic and selfish. I know family members want the best for you, but the reality is they want what's best for you in THEIR eyes. I know they mean well, but that's a bit selfish. You know what's best for you in your own time, and what is meant for you will happen. That's just my take on it. I'm speakin in generalities folks :smile:
Kspar? yikes, and that dude does NOT look like Jay Z, he's closer to an Indian version of Sylar from Heroes :lol:
wowzerz guise, I just googled "fredo in the cut thats a scary site shirt" in google images & mane............

what has been seen, cannot be forgotten :frown:
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