the thread about nothing...

no basketball on a Friday
Honestly shoe freak, the 1st thing that came to mind when i saw that avy was

"wait till cap see that %#$@ "


Can't wait to see them again next month along with a bunch of my other favorite bands.

I just got back from the gym, it always puts me in a good mood.
Originally Posted by LyonBC1

If Sandusky is found not guilty I'm moving to Australia

After his adopted son said he was also molested, I dont see how someone could not convict him.
That scum stays smiling 
Originally Posted by AR Guy

So I can't embed videos. #+%#@ pissing me off

1. Find a youtube video
2. Press Share>Embed
3. Make sure the "Use old embed code" is checked
4. Copy the text
5. Click post reply
6. Click the HTML button then paste the embed code. The html button is right next to the spellcheck button.
7. Click post and it should work.

To post multiple videos just paste more embed codes but make sure you leave some space between the embed codes whether it be a few spaces or line breaks.
The reason why is because sometimes it just embeds one of the videos instead of all of them. Say for example you wanted to post 3 videos and you didn't space out the embed codes, only the first video you embedded would be posted and the other two will be lost.

Make sure you copy your whole post when it's in html form because sometimes it may not work for reasons that are unknown to me. This makes fixing the post a lot less of a hassle.

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

6 terabytes though

Mondayniight just sold water to a whale
Sure did 

Oh, btw. was all legal since i bought accounts on all of the sites. 


In any case:
What were in that pic you posted?
How did you even set up this transaction?
That transaction must have been awkward as hell.
Did he check em to make sure the product was all there like drug deals in the movies?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

If Sandusky is found not guilty I'm moving to Australia

After his adopted son said he was also molested, I dont see how someone could not convict him.
That scum stays smiling 
He's done
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