the thread about nothing...

I'll give it a chance eventually 
Watch broseph. I thought it would be dumb when I first heard about the show years ago, never watched, went to LA studied improv, saw Andre's group, got high this week, gave the show a chance, hilarity ensued.

Not Raffi, bromosexual, the dude that bangs Raffi in the car that wasn't turned on by Kevin's wife. He's only in a couple of episodes, I think he's also on Children's Hospital but I don't watch that.
Oh I think I know you you're talking about. Raffi is off the chain tho 
my girl got me started last season.

season has been wild so far. I'm not taking the time to go back and get other seasons :lol:
I've been with it since season one
Me too. I watched it one day cause a friend told me too and got addicted. They stopped making the episodes about Fantasy Football in the new season thats what the real issue was. Its become like 80% ridiculousness and 20% Fantasy Football.

Bobbum Man
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