the thread about nothing...

I need to get rid of my ego, it's gonna get me killed one day.
I have a confession to make.
I haven't had a cat since middle school.
Im hoping to get one next year for my Bday


Feels good to get that out, didn't want to be exposed.

Now someone tell me or PM about the blue situation

Whats tea?
pm me your address, I  have a nice furry creature for you.
get my tan on, gym on, then draft the **** outta my fantasy league tonight 

and get my rck on 
Naw my cousin from Santa Monica is coming.... If she was like my cousin thrice removed I might think about it
NT....driving females away since '99
Lying, fronting females.

Who wants to meet a girl online anyway

Not like we chasing away dimes

Well maybe on blues 1-20 scale, we chasing away 10s
That's not the point. We should let everyone feel welcomed. I don't care if it's a catfish or whatever, to a certain degree we're anonymous here. We let out what we want, and that's cool, but I've read what's been going on and have no clue what is going on but it seems borderline bullying and harassment man. But I'll stay out of it. 
I just don't want the vibe killed in here man, I don't want it to be like other sections of NT where there is nonstop bickering and ignorance. Everyone in here is good with each other for the most part. 
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