the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by jhova718

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by kevi

I love yall man

can i get a hug too? 
It's all good
I'm goin to six flags Monday, I ain't rode a roller coaster in like 10 years, is they fun or is they on some final destination wave ?
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

I'm goin to six flags Monday, I ain't rode a roller coaster in like 10 years, is they fun or is they on some final destination wave ?

Originally Posted by davizzy

Originally Posted by Mr Brown

this honey jack daniels is 
... first time trying it

soo smooth

Still yet to try this. YO I am almost winless against the weed/alcohol combo. Decided to sip some vitamin water/vodka to get a lil extra nice before my nightly blunt. I finish the L and newport, get to the crib, lay down and BLAM I'm running head first to the toilet. Literally I've been fine 10% of the time I've smoked and drank. Every othwr time its been a horrible to near death experience. Took the l curled up in the fetal position and passed out last night.
Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Got written up at work for god knows what last month and I wasn't notified.
I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore.

Nothing's going good.

At this point I've realized that my life #@**%@@ sucks.

they can seriously right you up without informing you?

I guess, I found it today while I was looking for the form I needed to release the truck and it says I have 7 infractions for the year, it was done on June 13th, I didn't stick around to read it because I had to get back to work but I was written up without notification.
Originally Posted by Ballahb

Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by cap1229

Forgiveness is hard...but necessary.

 depends on the situation 
It does

It's not. You already know if you want that person (who needs forgiving) to stay in your life or if you want to move on without him/her. If you know forgiving that person is inevitable, go ahead and do it. Don't dwell on it. Stretching out the process will make it seem hard though. 
I may be wrong, just the way I approach it. Good luck with that though.....and Happy 4th of July, NT.
Thought it hit 808 by now

Whats everyone doin for the 4th? Dont know of i want to go the the beach or soak city hmm
Edit: Beach parking/reserving a nice spot is such a hassle on the 4th. Never been to soak city on the 4th so not sure how thats gonna be but there some deal for 30 bucks we get tent reserved and food catering.
Originally Posted by demkix

Thought it hit 808 by now

Whats everyone doin for the 4th? Dont know of i want to go the the beach or soak city hmm
One is free, one isnt....and both have scantily clad women...easy decision
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by demkix

Thought it hit 808 by now

Whats everyone doin for the 4th? Dont know of i want to go the the beach or soak city hmm
One is free, one isnt....and both have scantily clad women...easy decision

Easy choice..
 at Apple and Judge Koh for stifling innovation. Search bar too good on competitor's phone? Better file a lawsuit.
Not surprised though. Jobs always had his vision set on destroying Android. 
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by davizzy

Originally Posted by Mr Brown

this honey jack daniels is 
... first time trying it

soo smooth

Still yet to try this. YO I am almost winless against the weed/alcohol combo. Decided to sip some vitamin water/vodka to get a lil extra nice before my nightly blunt. I finish the L and newport, get to the crib, lay down and BLAM I'm running head first to the toilet. Literally I've been fine 10% of the time I've smoked and drank. Every othwr time its been a horrible to near death experience. Took the l curled up in the fetal position and passed out last night.

I'm the opposite.. Ive never drank without smoking (from what i can remember)
. Not bragging or anything because ive probably drank less than 20 times. Just gotta burn drink burn etc and not just drink then burn
what is the scientific reason as to why food tastes better when you are drunk. some of the stuff folks love twisted are way less tasty when sober. ie hotdogs.
"Even when I was broker than a broke **** dog, I always kept an L to smoke in thick fog"
Always been one of my favorite DOOM lines
Oh yeah FYI I am sure most of you know already but in case you don't there are more cops on duty this week(7/1-7/7) than any other week of the year. Be careful, don't do anything I wouldn't do and if you happen to name it after me!
is that letter legit? how can we know

i dont care if he is, or isnt, but how legit is the letter?
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