the thread about nothing...


A real man admits when he's wrong, admits when he's gone, admits when he loves her
A real man gone pick up the phone saying please come home I can't love another

Morning Tan,
Had soccer last night. Co-ed indoor. Girl got pissed cause i blocked her shot literally came up and kicked me while i was on the ground. I sort of told that garden tool to get off the field multiple times (she got carded for it). Which caused angst between me and the other team. So went in for the ball later this little gnome grabs my shirt and throws me on the ground. Now i don't take much seriously especially co-ed soccer. So dude steps to me after i get up and tell him "wow congrads co-ed soccer hard body" he then like awkwardly leans into me like we are going to have a boxing face off...but he is like 5 foot like his head is up against my chest....i just started laughing because it was more like an embrace then a fight. He like shook his head side to side like stone cold used to do...but against my it was just like he was nuzzling into my bosom like a baby bird to its mother. It was so strange. Then he proceeded to talk horrible trash saying "i'm right here! I'm right here" and i was like "oh are you almost didn't see you down there"....

Anyway i walked away laughing had the whole bench talk **** the rest of the game every time i got the ball they were heckling....we won 4-3...scored two goals...smiled shook all hands after the game.

Outdoor game legs are still sore hopefully im good by 8 tonight
My fat friends give me crap for eating healthy Monday-Friday

One chick is 220 lol

I should hurt some feelings but nah
watching "remember the titans" those feels when the "strong side" "left side" moment hits you.
One of my favorite movies. Denzel got an Oscar for Training Day and not this tho?
Morning Tan,
Had soccer last night. Co-ed indoor. Girl got pissed cause i blocked her shot literally came up and kicked me while i was on the ground. I sort of told that garden tool to get off the field multiple times (she got carded for it). Which caused angst between me and the other team. So went in for the ball later this little gnome grabs my shirt and throws me on the ground. Now i don't take much seriously especially co-ed soccer. So dude steps to me after i get up and tell him "wow congrads co-ed soccer hard body" he then like awkwardly leans into me like we are going to have a boxing face off...but he is like 5 foot like his head is up against my chest....i just started laughing because it was more like an embrace then a fight. He like shook his head side to side like stone cold used to do...but against my it was just like he was nuzzling into my bosom like a baby bird to its mother. It was so strange. Then he proceeded to talk horrible trash saying "i'm right here! I'm right here" and i was like "oh are you almost didn't see you down there"....

Anyway i walked away laughing had the whole bench talk **** the rest of the game every time i got the ball they were heckling....we won 4-3...scored two goals...smiled shook all hands after the game.

Outdoor game legs are still sore hopefully im good by 8 tonight
This whole story.....
. My man was the embodiment of "Come at me bro"
. I think I might have to steal this. It's too funny.
One of my favorite movies. Denzel got an Oscar for Training Day and not this tho?

This whole story.....
. My man was the embodiment of "Come at me bro"

. I think I might have to steal this. It's too funny.
do it
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41.5 million big ones for money man mayweather :smokin

and i believe he gets a cut of ppv on top of that

even when these n***** hate......god is great
I don't even believe in god...but that song goes

Got to ask my boss about a raise tomorrow....such an awkward convo to start. Gonna send an email friday at the end of the day....hit send...and run out the door. That way if she says won't ruin my weekend
The phone block thing in theory sounds cool but won't it all come down to price.

Like lets say i am tired of my ram...and there is an upgrade available...and the new high res-screen just came out....and so did the new camera....what is that going to cost? If its like $ rather just get a whole new phone right? And of course the OS is huge. If it could run andriod that would be cool.

But what if you want a bigger screen you need a bigger board and more blocks to fill up the back? I just feel like with the way refresh cycles are...and how much phones cost off contract (ie: what you would end up paying for upgrading your parts on the phone since a phone company probably wont subsidize "parts") it doesn't seem like the idea is cost efficient
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If you would have manned up
Put your hand up, stand up, tell me how you really felt
Then maybe it'd be different , if you spoke I would've listened
But now I'm with somebody else.
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