the thread about nothing...

Damn, borrowed my brother's car for a quick trip to Stater Bros. After I'm done, I walk back out to the car. I try unlocking the driver door. Wont unlock. I use the key remote. Wont unlock. I go to the passenger door. Wont unlock. Moments later, I finally realized I was at the wrong car. My bro's car is like 3 parking spaces to the left.


Funny thing is, there was a tinted-out Charger police car parking just a little across from me to the right. Cop must've been like, "WTF is this guy doing?"
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looks like I won't be going to SF this weekend 

I wanted one more SF shabang before the new year, I wanted to tell it thank you for giving me such a fun year 
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Stay up man. If it's headed that way, say as much as you can to her. I never got to tell my grandmother goodbye. The last thing I ever said to her was "See you Sunday  Someday"
Fixed that for you bro, maybe that's what she heard. N my condolences beh. That sucks bro, just know she loved you. Just as she knew you loved her.
and be happy if she is still mentally some what coherent. My grandmother got really bad dementia..the last 2 months she didn't know who i was and would cry all the time saying she didn't know where she was or what was was tough. Cherish what you got left man and let her know how much she means to you
Thanks J, n I'm sorry to hear that. My Gramma was seeing horses the other day, I chalk it up to her meds. But no one should ever have to go through that.
Stay up bruh.

At least know that she's lived long enough to see you grow up.

Live well in her honor.

Give her a big hug from all of NT.
Thanks HUYNH, that means a lot. I will n I will.
I'm trying my dude, n thanks for the support.
stay up bro, spill your heart out to her.
I'm trying, n most def I will. Thanks man, it's appreciated.
Same situation fam, nothin been the same since my grandma diagnosed with cancer

Had to get her to the hospital recently, will probably be able to come home in a few days but her days have been so painful for the past year - year and a half, and it just sucks knowing that it isn't going to get any better

So sad seeing my Grandpa too man, I can't imagine the pain seeing the love of your life go through this, you could never tell though, he always keeps it together..

She was very big in my life too, me and my mom lived with gramps/grandma early years until Pops was able to get through some things.

Tough, very tough seeing what she goes through
I'm right there with you bro. Like all the NT Fam said, just cherish these last times. To be honest, I just started talking about it today with my kuzns. It helped soooo much. So my advice to you is to just talk about it. Don't bottle it up n then miss the opportunity to really let her know how much she means to you. It's hard, but hey, no one said life would be easy (as cliche as that sounds). I feel for your Gramps, mines is going through the same thing. It's like he's lost. Me n my kuzns n little bro helped move some furniture in their room today to prepare for when she comes home. It's going to hurt, but the best thing you can do is talk about how it's affecting you n show your Gramma how strong you are (even tho it's killing you) n that this thing hasn't beat you. Stay up my G, it's a long road, but you don't have to walk it alone.

Thanks TAN Fam, ya'll really helping me out through this. I can't explain how much I appreciate the love, support, n concern. It's therapeutic to be able to vent n have ya'll listen, understand, n give back positivity. Much love to ya'll.

@Moe Fab   I saw my grandma last month for the first time in like 10+ years, I don't really know her much but she too has been battling with cancer off and on for like 3-5 years. Man as much as I'm distant from her it felt good and almost shed a thug tear to see and talk to her even though she don't even know my name 

appreciate the time you have with her man, I wish I could see more of my grandma since I never met my other grandma or two grandpas. 
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@Moe Fab   I saw my grandma last month for the first time in like 10+ years, I don't really know her much but she too has been battling with cancer off and on for like 3-5 years. Man as much as I'm distant from her it felt good and almost shed a thug tear to see and talk to her even though she don't even know my name  

appreciate the time you have with her man, I wish I could see more of my grandma since I never met my other grandma or two grandpas. 
 "It's Craig, Momma...Your oldest grandson. The smart one, not Day-Day."

That's good to hear you seen her after so long. Talk to her, get to know her, let her get to know you. It will make such a positive impact on your life. Believe me, I've been raised by women for my whole life. Tho my Pops n Gramps both taught me to be a man just in time, kuz I was on a path to nothing but disappointment n turmoil. But yeah man, I haven't seen my Momma's Momma in like 15-18 years. Haven't talked to her in like 3. She stay in Indiana, but she lived with my fam when we actually had a happy home for ourselves. She was the first one to actually motivate me to take advantage of my intelligence. Honestly, I was really raised by my Gramma's (Pop's Momma, Momma's Momma, n Momma's aunt that raised her). So this is such a make or break moment in my life. I know I'll take a turn for the best once it's all over, but I just hate having to fathom that. I think I'm in denial, tho I know exactly what time it is. But yeah man, if I've learned anything through this whole ordeal, it's to just appreciate the moments that seem to be insignificant kuz those become the best memories.

Thanks again TANFam for helping me through this. I'll keep ya'll updated. That's enough feels for this thread tho, if you want to talk to me about it, just hit me up with a PM.

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What am I doing? I just came from a girls places she treated a man right. Pulled out the lotion, gave me a massage and more. If she just lost 10 pounds and had longer hair for now she is just a convenient f buddy.
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