the thread about nothing...

Man haven't had totinos in forever

Red Baron though
This man knows
People line up in anticipation to buy "drugs", buyers behaved "responsibly and with great accountability".

People line up in anticipation to buy Jordans, chaos ensues.

Things that make you say, "Hmmmmm"
good point
The best girl name period is Courtney. Name her Courtney. If I have a daughter she will be named Courtney. If I have a son, his name shall be Seth
I see that you have the same taste in foods that you have in names.

lol Sneakers aren't "gone".....they'll drop again.
When's the next RD for the gammas ?

Besides the random / hopeful restock on a website or them randomly popping up in an outlet.$

Nor you or I could tell you the release date of the next Concords retro release date in 2000.

I mean... I hear what your saying but there is a big difference between a restock every few weeks and a re-release every 5+ years.

Didn't Courtney work in the hooters on peach street
Good memory
This girl just brought me some CHOCOLATE Krispy Kreme donuts.

Imma eat da butt.
Y'all think I'm playin..
You's a freak

No pot heads are acting wild for some loud though

If the spot sells out at worst I could hit up JR for some grey market
This guy

so what was the thread of the year for 2013????

Stop your foolishness
I hate when men call their sons baby! Was just at CVS, lil dude atleast 11 was freaking out cause he wanted ice cream. Dad said not right now its too early we'll go after lunch baby. :smh: Maybe its cause Ive never had a pops so I dont understand that father/son bond..but once lil dude starts walking his father has to stop calling him baby. Moms however, Im cool with it.
I hate when men call their sons baby! Was just at CVS, lil dude atleast 11 was freaking out cause he wanted ice cream. Dad said not right now its too early we'll go after lunch baby.
Maybe its cause Ive never had a pops so I dont understand that father/son bond..but once lil dude starts walking his father has to stop calling him baby. Moms however, Im cool with it.
But you'll always be your parents' baby, right? I don't think that's gender specific. Would it have been better if he said baby boy instead of just baby? Idk, food for thought.
I have no idea how I ended up falling asleep last night.

Nose was running. Coughing. Sneezing.

I had the urge to vomit at two o'clock.
I hate when men call their sons baby! Was just at CVS, lil dude atleast 11 was freaking out cause he wanted ice cream. Dad said not right now its too early we'll go after lunch baby. :smh: Maybe its cause Ive never had a pops so I dont understand that father/son bond..but once lil dude starts walking his father has to stop calling him baby. Moms however, Im cool with it.
But you'll always be your parents' baby, right? I don't think that's gender specific. Would it have been better if he said baby boy instead of just baby? Idk, food for thought.
My pops never called any of us baby :lol:

This. |I

beh235 beh235 I heard about that blizzard, you got the day off im presuming?
I hate when men call their sons baby! Was just at CVS, lil dude atleast 11 was freaking out cause he wanted ice cream. Dad said not right now its too early we'll go after lunch baby.
Maybe its cause Ive never had a pops so I dont understand that father/son bond..but once lil dude starts walking his father has to stop calling him baby. Moms however, Im cool with it.
But you'll always be your parents' baby, right? I don't think that's gender specific. Would it have been better if he said baby boy instead of just baby? Idk, food for thought.
My pops never called any of us baby


@beh235 I heard about that blizzard, you got the day off im presuming?
No, I don't have the day off today or tomorrow. And of course your pops never called you baby, you was about to catch that Deebo the other night  
i don't have any children, but my friends' or family's young kids that are GIRLS, i call them baby. not the boys tho...idk just doesn't sound right for the boys IMO
I hate when men call their sons baby! Was just at CVS, lil dude atleast 11 was freaking out cause he wanted ice cream. Dad said not right now its too early we'll go after lunch baby. :smh: Maybe its cause Ive never had a pops so I dont understand that father/son bond..but once lil dude starts walking his father has to stop calling him baby. Moms however, Im cool with it.
But you'll always be your parents' baby, right? I don't think that's gender specific. Would it have been better if he said baby boy instead of just baby? Idk, food for thought.
My pops never called any of us baby :lol:

This. |I

[@=/u/37226/beh235]@beh235[/@] I heard about that blizzard, you got the day off im presuming?
No, I don't have the day off today or tomorrow. And of course your pops never called you baby, you was about to catch that Deebo the other night  :lol:
Making you trap in the blizzard? :smh: & I'm still kinda tight over that, even if it was a few nights ago. :lol:
congrats EBW.

On a completely different note, Cinnamon Toast Crunch = top 3 cereals of all time. Maybe best ever.
I agree.

I think apple jacks or fruit loops are my favorite ever though.
I would actually drink flavored milk 

I haven't had cereal in forever though 

Bilbo is killing me with his responses to newmoanyuh

Newmoan, do you hate Bilbo?

Public school lunch is horrible b and private school lunch is a lil better but not by much.

Your mom making you lunch>>>
Kids at my school are jealous because of my moms cooking. My friends twin sisters are always asking to taste the rice/beans/pork chops she makes.

 I bring home lunch everyday. Bring some arroz con pollo and heat it up. A+ meal 
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