the thread about nothing...

wealth of self! live your potential, master your talents, and never envy the foolish.

                                                                       --Bilbotus S. Shmangins c.2014
you do care 


thanks, needed to hear that 
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I know often times I come to ya'll with negativity or girl trouble but I have good news
tonight. My coaches promoted me to captain!
I went from being 9-17 last year to being 11-9 and being captain.
This is far from the time to rest now, as it only gets more difficult from here on out.
Hearing my mom say that she's proud of me brought a big smile to my face, I'm so happy right now.

congrats man.

sb sb nothing much fam, everything seems great though. I'm working, my skin feels soft, I can afford mediocre food, I feel healthy, I have a very supportive family and friends. What's


im good man. just grindin as usual.
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