the thread about nothing...

moe fab :rofl: . thats not me in the spongebob costume.

mjwizkid always finds the most random and hilarious gifs.
Don't feel good...
Jaden Smith is wild 

I forgot the name of it but some bottle that's brown and tastes horrible I'm looking for that
In Canada it's called Buckley's
That **** is gross
Saw 100 ways to die in the west yesterday...not a bad movie
I want to see this off the strength of NPH alone
back off b, she's spoken for.
*backs off*

Oh well, there's Ellen Page. >>>>>
Dude just asked a girl how she was doing and she didn't even notice. He then turns to me and asks the same question. Reminded me of dude who dapped himself in that vine clip, lol
i had a dream i was punching the hell out of rick ross's face..

i could even feel the cushion that is his beard against my fist.
All jjs jjs has to say is 2 words to get the panties to drop:

"Les Frites"

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Something to do when it's nothing to do,
We a couple for a reason, they got nothing on you.
One day I'll dead them all, me the mortician,
You keep playing your part I'll never need an audition.
I'm not a huge comic book fan and didn't care for the story but I liked that one character with the speed.

That one scene >>>

My homies girl got bit by a shark on Ft Lauderdale inter-coastal waterway today........

He said she took it like a champ.....
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