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As a gov't IT person, we hate users like you.
The reason why we don't show up is because we are busy with more important things. Yes, we know that your little failed HD is important to you, but we always have bigger fish to fry than helping one person with their computer.
If you're working with large excel files, you don't need a SSD for anything. It won't make a difference. All those large numbers that retailers and salesmen throw at you will result in maybe 30 less seconds of waiting per day. What you're working on simply isn't worth the money spent... We're better off using that SSD in a server environment before it'll ever reach your desk. Our budget is limited, so we literally have to give you the bare bones in order to cover the costs of other things -- and bare bones is usually more than enough.
We don't give users access to download things either because, as simple as you make it sound, there are probably other things that you have no idea about that are needed to make that one program work. For example, someone at my agency wanted access to a database. In order for that to happen they need to: 1. File a form for access with supervisor approval 2. Have 3 programs installed on their machine (including an Oracle DB client and a software agent) and 3. Request that our firewall allow outgoing/incoming traffic on a specific port. Most of the time, people just say "I need that one program!" and don't know everything that goes into it.
Just tell your supervisor "Hey, I can't work until they restore my data." Anything after that is on them. Enjoy the break, take a walk, read a book... But don't complain. Especially when its because the IT dept is busy with other stuff.